Top favorite was chemistry and the ever-patient teacher, probably the best one I ever had and likely why I was first in the school one year and second the next in the exams. Me, from a piddling middle-of-the road B-stream. 
Then physics, another high-scoring subject. I seemed to be the only one in the class who understood the teacher, even though he tended to drone on and over-explain - probably a side effect of having a class full of people who would rather be elsewhere. I'll never forget his Wimshurst machine demonstration though.
Then biology - same teacher as chemistry. This triggered an interest in microscopy, one which gets intermittently resurrected.
Then history. I don't remember focusing on a specific area - I just liked knowing about historical stuff.
I quite enjoyed English too, when we were allocated a decent teacher. There was one we called "Bubbles" and he was, well, a bit queenly. The nickname suited him perfectly.
DuckHairback wrote:
Teenagers are terrible people.
Yes indeed. We also had a small group who specialized in disrupting lessons/the teacher, and that sometimes resulted in the rapid exit of a stand-in teacher in tears.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.