cyberdad wrote:
lostonearth35 wrote:
And to think some of that water used to be drinkable.
Yeah as JFK once famously said, we humans are 70% water.
That figure is commonly known scientific fact that has been repeated by zillions of people. Kinda like saying "JFK famously said 'have a nice day'".
But yes...we are seventy percent water...and that water may have come from outer space via comets.
And further...the remaining 30 percent also came from the cosmos. Most of our non water is carbon, and that carbon came from cores of now exploded stars for example. It took several generations of stars living and dying to create all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.
Twentieth Century astronomy seems to have been presaged by the poet Walt Whitman who wrote "I believe that a blade of grass is nothing less than the journeywork of the stars".