Welcome to Wrong Planet.
I have asperger's syndrome or Aspie for short. But if you look very deep, deep, deep inside me you will find the mind of a child, a very, very, very smart child. Life was good as a child but when I transitioned into adulthood, the world became one of chaos. I was verbally and physically attacked each day for 3 years. They came very close to ending my life. It was the fellow kids in my school. According to statistics there are very few female Aspies. The reason why is because they are very good at hiding their traits. They work very hard to blend into society.
What happens to females with this condition in my humble opinion, is that many encounter a type of breakdown around the age of 30. For some reason their so called friends begin to figure out they are a little different and then launch mental attacks on them.
I may be wrong, so if what I am saying does not seem true, then forgive me. I do not want to offend.
But if this sounds true, then what advice can I give you.
#1 Believe in yourself and your high intelligence. Many NTs may call you dumb and stupid, but you are probably the smartest person in the room.
# 2 You may lose friends. But all you need is one or two good friends and if you can find them, they will be FRIENDS FOR LIFE.
# 3 Most people have +s and -s. Things they are good at and things they are poor at.
But Aspies have ++s and --s. And some of us are off the scale with +++++s and -----s. The secret is to recognize your unique skills and use them to overcome your -s.
# 4 The reason why you are feeling stress is because you are not being yourself. If you become the real self, the inner stress that your body is experiencing should melt away.
# 5 Your body needs two things to heal. These are sufficient deep NREM and REM sleep and exercise.