Oh, good grief! Ignorance abounds among conspiracy theorists, doesn't it?
For your information . . .
Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is the use of the radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communications.
We hams also perform emergency communications services for the public during times of disaster, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes/typhoons -- any time that commercial communications fail, like Internet, landlines, and mobile phones.
The V82This radio was put on the market about 20 years ago, and taken off the market about 10 years later. It featured a slot for one of two options: (1) a module that allowed two-way digital-mode communications, and (2) a module that allowed the radio to be used as a pager. Afaik, no other ham radio has a paging feature, so non other ham radio is in danger of being hacked in this way.
The V82s with the pager option were purchased about 5 months ago, in bulk, through "shady" channels and distributed to Hezbollah leaders. The subordinates used pagers. The top leader of Hezbollah ordered this after ordering all Hezbollah members to get rid of their cell phones because they could be used to track members and target them with drones and 'smart' ordnance. Pagers cannot be tracked.
(Note: The following paragraph includes speculation based on bits and pieces from numerous media articles, and my own experience and knowledge in communications. While I do not expect WP's conspiracy theorists to accept any of this, I do hope this sheds some light on what happened.)The pagers and pager/radios were never "packed with explosives", but were only modified to include a special trigger circuit that would cause the LiION batteries themselves to act as incendiary 'bombs'. These circuits became active when the pagers and pager/radios received some sort of "All Call" alert signal.