Get more apathetic about life as time goes on
I believe it's a symptom of being disconnected from society.
I've lived on benefits for coming on 7 years.
I live on my own and take care of my own bills, but I am not a part of anything meaningful.
I recently filed a human rights complaint against an employer for their discriminatory hiring practice.
I legitimately believe I was treated unfairly and basically only care to see if I can get a monetary settlement at this point.
There's a saying 'People only care about themselves'. I think that's very true and I am one of these people.
Sure I care on some level about the well being of others, but I become much more apathetic as a result of being isolated.
I had a poor experience with the local police a few years ago where I was assaulted while trying to make a traffic report. ... er-7LRFeCC
I have considered suing the police department with the goal of obtaining a settlement. I have a lot of evidence and believe in my case, but I have also not been able to find any lawyer willing to take on the case. In fact, all of them have advised against litigation. I can do it on my own without representation, but if I lose - I would be on the hook for legal costs.
I am an accomplished musician and was a professional for over 10 years. I have no instrument to practice on and this can be demoralizing. I need at minimum a high quality instrument like a Yamaha U3 which may cost $5-7 thousand.
As I rent and this amount of money is still a significant sum for me, I am reluctant to purchase one.
I'd like to own my own property within a year, ideally. I do save and invest. I've had some very poor habits which have cost me financially significant sums. Yet I also have the self discipline to change my ways.
It's important for me to improve my financial status. I wish there was a more obvious way to do this. If I could do it through helping the autistic community, I would be open to that.
I have made donations to charities and especially to Ukraine as I have Ukrainian heritage. I have followed the war closely. I have gone to several Ukrainian rallies. I have found it difficult to connect socially with this group as I do not speak their language. I go to their rallies but don't feel like I'm really there. As a result I have stopped attending. I almost feel as if the group only cares if I donate to them.
I notice a lot of hate in the world. Online message boards can be full of vitriol. I've been on the receiving end of a lot of it.
I've perhaps been a bit naive in sharing some of my circumstances on a different message board. There are some incredibly desperate and hateful people. I doubt any of them would ever make their remarks to my face. I would be tempted to give them a fistful of teeth.
I am a screenwriter and have a drama/comedy tv pilot. It has placed in a screenwriting contest. It's been a dream of mine. I've always wanted to live in NYC. I took a trip there in 2020 for a week. I've never had any breakthrough. It's not impossible that it can be produced and sold, but I am not making any more efforts.
If it does somehow breakthrough, it will have to be in such a way that I cannot see at this moment.
There is more that I can say, but I think I'll leave it at that.
Sometimes we have to choose a path in life of total disconnection from others or some degree of social integration. The isolated life can find a preoccupation with consumption. However, this life tends to find consumption a hunger that is never satisfied. The alternative can be small steps to social interaction where doing things for others can provide some satisfaction.
One might experiment with various types of volunteer work where a common task can reduce the discomfort of social interaction. As a musician, you might try your hand a street performing even if it is with an inferior instrument.
Thanks for your reply.
I don't have many people in my life so even responding to posts on here is meaningful.
I have a friend who is an artist and we go for hamburgers once every few months.
It's my birthday in about 9 days and we're going for a hamburger soon.
So that's something to look forward to.
It seems odd that I'm in this position in my life where I'm not around many people.
I've volunteered in the past. I don't know though.. I'd have to look online.
If I could find an opportunity perhaps as a conversational partner to help Ukrianian refugees, I would be open to that.
If such an opportunity exists.
I am not uncomfortable with social interaction. I just don't have much of it presently.
As a musician I definitely need a quality instrument to practice on.
I was a busker in the past. I have performed on cruise lines.
My ego demands a quality instrument. I just won't entertain something of poor quality.
The public library has a piano but I don't enjoy using it most of the time.
That and the fact the public library can attract odd characters - sometimes you see people passed out from drugs or alcohol inside.
It's a hit or miss environment. I value my privacy.
Going to the library to play piano - it's almost humiliating.
The piano there is functional but in relatively poor condition.
I want to play on something I deserve.
I know it won't drop into my lap, but I do feel entitled to a very good piano.
Somehow I have to make changes in my life and it will come.
Here's another thing that I'm upset about.
Scammers. Why are there so many scammers in the world?
People want to capitalize on others. They think nothing of it.
All they think about is $$ they can get for themselves. It's disgusting.
I'll share two quick stories.
I follow Billy Joel and his daughter Alexa Ray on social media.
Actually find his daughter to be very interactive with her fans.
Anyways, scammers will end up impersonating Billy Joel and his management.
I fell for one of their scams.
I never sent any money. I'm not that gullable. But they did have me believe it was Billy Joel
for a while under the guise of setting up a meet and greet.
It's evil for scammers to do this. I live alone. I don't have a wife, girlfriend or even roommate who I can bounce ideas off of or ask for their perspectives. It's me alone at my computer.
I'm kind of more vulnerable in that aspect. I'm a scammers perfect target because I'm more isolated.
It's disgusting. I wish this world was rid of evil.
There's also scammers on dating websites. It's got to stop.
The Japanese use a paper ledger to help them save money so they can buy what they need.
Is there a Church or similar organization where you could practice and play on a quality instrument?
Yes there are a few churches. I'm not religious.
I need something to practice on at home.
I'm a very stubborn person.
My desire to access a piano isn't strong enough to go to a random place
and try an instrument at random that I have no idea the quality of.
I want to be able to work on things in my own privacy.
I was gifted a high quality keyboard a few years ago by someone who was connected to the autism community.
She was a kind woman and she actually ran for city council. I of course voted her.
I was experiencing a lot of depression and while I used the keyboard for over a year, I ended up giving it back.
Canadian Freedom Lover
Joined: 16 Dec 2022
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The situation with that cop - who is no longer on the force -
here's what happened.
I went to the station to report nearly being hit by a vehicle the day before. There's an intersection in my neighbourhood which is very dangerous for pedestrians. Even now over 3 years later nothing has changed. I can cross it multiple times per week and still at times vehicles almost hit you if you aren't careful. It's at the bottom of a hill and vehicles turn right without paying attention.
On the way to the station I noticed a man going through the bushes had retrieved a steak knife. He was most likely living on the streets based on my perception of him. He also had his female partner who was sitting in the middle of a path.
I've seen a lot of suspicious behaviour in my neighbourhood and it was bothering me. I've had break ins to my building as well.
Because I was on my way to the police station, I decided to take his knife. I felt I was doing the right thing by removing a knife from the streets. Now in fairness to him he was not bothering me. I did take his knife and that caused him to become very upset, trying to fight me, though it did not escalate beyond words.
Now this of course is something I had not anticipated. I had not expected this when I originally left my place to go report the traffic incident.
At the station I turned in the knife and the female cop I spoke with accused me of stealing the knife. That is true in some way I suppose although my intentions were positive. I feel that once the interaction with the cop began like this, she didn't take me seriously anymore.
I then said basically 'ok, I'm here to report this traffic matter. I have the plate of the vehicle that nearly hit me. I want to file a statement'. I was after all advised by an Edmonton Police employee when I called the non emergency number to go to the station and file a statement.
Well, the cop had no interest in serving me. Their attitude was basically 'Well, we aren't dealing with you, this isn't a policing matter.
So I was quite upset because I expected to file a traffic statement and I was mighty pissed because I could have been potentially injured or even killed the day prior in the intersection.
I tried to keep my cool and didn't raise my voice or use profanities. I refused to leave though. I expected them to serve me.
Then the cop came out and indicated verbally for me to leave. I responded that I would leave on my own terms.
That's when the assault began.
The ex cop if you want to look up his disciplinary history ... 50Bwq5izAv
He is mentally ill according to public court records.
Gentleman Argentum

Joined: 24 Aug 2019
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Isolation goes hand-in-glove with asperger's. Just part of the deal. Internet is a godsend, can we be grateful for it? I am.
I live on my own and take care of my own bills, but I am not a part of anything meaningful.
Another thing to be grateful for!
I am not sure what to suggest about owning property. There are risks, nothing is certain. I think that you ought to watch Wilderness Hermit to get a notion about living on limited means in poverty. It might give you perspective.
I have found his videos enlightening and sometimes amusing. Unfortunately, I have reached the end. He only puts out a video about once a month or so.
My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.
It is a sad fact, there are still lessons of Life that are still forced upon into older age...".choose your fights " and goals very carefully. Sometimes just having that occassional Hamburger can be the best one can hope for? .... Younger people that are alittle , " not as well off" as their peers .Will take great risks to enable themselves, if for no other reason than to appear better in their own eyes. Whatever that maybe .? And older people are easy targets if alone.As a isolation type person sometimes the best you can hope for may only be your own contentment . Occassionally as you age you might have to lower you standards of expectations .Of Life .. no means am I implying not to strive for better things . But age..does allow a person a longer range veiw of things . (It does pay if you have to deal with legal or medical interactions have a witness with you, just a suggestion)
Sorry you are going through these things
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
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