I always make resolutions, although I don't always talk about them.
I very much like the idea of taking stock at the end of a year, evaluating what went well and what didn't and thinking about where I'd like to be this time next year. And if course what is need to do to get there.
Last year I resolved to reduce my isolation, earn more money and be more sociable. I did pretty well at that, I got a second job which requires me to talk to people and have started volunteering as well.
What i didn't do so well at last year was reversing my decline into poor physical health. So that's going to be my focus this year.
By this time next year I'd like to be physically healthier than I am right now. Over the last couple of years I've gone from being reasonably fit, running regularly, eating decently, to being overweight, in constant pain up my arm into my shoulder and neck and eating pretty poorly. I'm resolving to reverse those things.
Last year I had this idea to take on a long solo walk, about 140 miles. I never got fit enough and it didn't happen so I'd like to do that this year. I'd like to do that in late May/early June so I'd have to start making changes right away.
The world is a big place where things happen almost every day.