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01 Feb 2025, 6:11 pm

15 years ago I was tested to have an iq of 148. I was a very smart kid until 2nd year of high school. After that, I struggled with all kind of mental health issues, from depression to adhd. Nowadays, my mental health is a little better but my life is completely a mess. I didn't achieve my childhood goals. I'm living way below my potential.

Can I turn my life around at this point? I'm 27 years old now. What would you do if you were me? Do any of you have a similar story, what did you do? By the way I have aspergers, that's one of the biggest causes of my situation.


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01 Feb 2025, 7:20 pm

Solve your executive dysfunction deficits.
That's mostly the point of why many high IQ types fail midway and towards adulthood and beyond.

Be it because 'untreated ADHD', untreated whatever illness, or crappy habits in the past because either you had it easy then or whatever klits your ego growing up.

Figure your internal complexities.
Emotional and mental, not necessarily social.
Issues remained unsolved can hold you back in a subconscious level in many different ways.

This includes your lack of confidence in socialization, your perception of being above something, or even expectations and pressures you put yourself out of synch compared to your current ability.

A factor people forget with high IQs in some occasion is that they have a particular type of sensitivity; that sensitivity isn't necessarily sensory or emotional (and can be mistaken as such), but it's a mental type of dysregulation that many do not talk about much, and is what some are prone to mental illness.

And it's not necessarily heightened memory and awareness related problem turned hurt and pressure, but it's what can worsen if kept dysregulated and not well managed.

People forget the concept of excitability in giftedness in a sense it can be a form of dysregulation if not well learnt how to manage.
The same way people for get the opposite happens to low IQ cases.

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01 Feb 2025, 7:22 pm

You seem to focus on your IQ a lot. A high IQ doesn't make a person successful all by itself.

What are / were your childhood goals, and in what ways have you worked towards achieving them?

27 is young. What do you want out of life? What do you hope to achieve?


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01 Feb 2025, 7:28 pm

Apart from mental heath issues, my education was quite similar to yours. I did great until I was about 11, and passed the "11 plus" exam with flying colours, but then sank like a stone. Horrible experience.

I managed to pull out of the tailspin in the nick of time, just before the 'O' level exams, by shutting myself in my room and studying the text books. I could barely learn a thing from conventional spoken-word lessons. My thinking style was way too slow and thorough to keep up, and they expected kids to interpolate a lot from the context, which I've always been crap at. The background noise was often too high for me to hear what the teachers were saying clearly enough. The teachers were mostly an unsympathetic lot. The mathematics teacher was only interested in the high flyers, and there was a general attitude that if you couldn't keep up it was because you were too lazy to do the work.

So the only way was to educate myself by reading the text books at my own pace in a quiet environment. I couldn't bear the thought of doing that all year round, so I waited till a few weeks before the exams and then made it a special interest. In those days there was no continuous assessment, so how you did on the final exams was the only thing that mattered. My test results had been terrible.

I say I had no mental health issues, but I did think I must have got brain damage when I saw how badly I was doing with ordinary lessons. But I found out later on that when I put my mind to something and work in my own way, it's amazing what I can achieve. So I figured that there couldn't be much wrong with my brain.

My method didn't hold up so well when it came to the 'A' levels though. I'd opted for physics, chemistry and mathematics, and the sheer complexity of it all was pretty much beyond me. I did what I could, and passed, but my grades were only just high enough to get me through. The 'O' levels had been a bad enough invasion of my life as it was, but the 'A' levels were the last straw. Still, I passed them, and compared to the average person I'd done quite well academically. But I decided not to go to university. I figured it would be even harder. So I used the qualifications I had to get a halfway-decent job in lab tech, and was much happier doing something practical like that instead of having to learn theoretical stuff all the time.

I don't know what my IQ is. I gather Aspies get strange IQ test results, brilliant in some sections and terrible in others, so I don't think reducing my brain's power to a single number would mean very much. I'm more nerdy than the average person, and tend to do well with intellectual challenges if I'm given enough time and peace to solve them, but I'm aware of an academic ceiling as well, so I don't get much out of joining groups of experts. They talk a different language and are often way above anything I'm familiar with, and I can't deal with their conventions, I have to work in my own sweet way, but when I do, I tend to get very good results.

Hope this helps. I doubt it's too late for you to do adult education lessons of some kind, though I guess it's easier for younger people who are still supported by their caregivers and don't have to work for a living on top of trying to better themselves academically. And of course they don't charge money for going to school, though they charge for going to university these days. When I was young, university was all grant-funded, no student loans. People told me I was a fool for not taking advantage of a university education, and in a sense they were right, but I think if I'd taken up that wonderful free opportunity, I'd only have made a mess of it.


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01 Feb 2025, 8:46 pm

There are a number of trajectories one can take in life. One assumes that a high IQ is a portal to some of the most prosperous destinations. However, prosperity, even if achieved, is often not the "success imagined.

IQ measurement itself is a bit fuzzy as it is an average of quite a number of different mental processes. One might excel in one area to such a degree that the average is pulled up while significant deficiencies in other areas can contribute problems.

However existence is only partially described by mental processing. Seeing "success" as achieving the objectives of others is seldom satisfying. Perhaps a more satisfying path lies in finding satisfaction in work you enjoy, friends who show kindness, and even the opportunity to help others.

It is never too late to try a more satisfying path.

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02 Feb 2025, 12:38 am

Highly_Autistic wrote:
15 years ago I was tested to have an iq of 148. I was a very smart kid until 2nd year of high school. After that, I struggled with all kind of mental health issues, from depression to adhd. Nowadays, my mental health is a little better but my life is completely a mess. I didn't achieve my childhood goals. I'm living way below my potential.

Can I turn my life around at this point? I'm 27 years old now. What would you do if you were me? Do any of you have a similar story, what did you do? By the way I have aspergers, that's one of the biggest causes of my situation.

yes you can, get medicated for ADHD and set up study habits.

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02 Feb 2025, 3:19 pm

• Build good habits. Routines can help you.
• Join Mensa. (No need to emphasize your Autism there. Weirdness is in abundance.)

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
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02 Feb 2025, 8:06 pm

If I had known 20-30 years ago that I might very well have the 'inattentive' type I'd have done all I could to get assessed for ADHD. I started off well at school, but around the age of 9.5 started to do a lot worse. There was no dx of ADHD back then (1966). Later,at public school,regular mentions of how 'disorganised and messy' I was. In my case bullying related trauma and mediocre academic performance have made me very obsessed about intelligence and IQ. I'm like a detective who doesn't arrest someone, because he never feels there's enough evidence to do so.I can never get enough evidence to accept other people's view of me as being a highly intelligent person. I'm constantly expecting to be exposed as a fraud intelligence wise.


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02 Feb 2025, 8:58 pm

Find an interest that you love ....enjoy that , try not to think in terms of IQ , your own excellence may very well manifest your brain a chance to indulge itself...Then see if it can be applied to anything . But keep those interests, you maybe able to expand on them....Best Wishes ,, all the above advise sounded very beneficial.

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03 Feb 2025, 12:40 am

I believe that there's a widely common mistake that with high IQ, one would immediately attempt to accommodate the lagging EQ and SQ.

But, ignores anything related to executive dysfunction whether in present or potential future, whether as a part of one's neurodivergence or something acquired by any means (developmental trajectory vs their habits, their physical health, etc.)

EQ and SQ has limited effect to the overall intricatacies of overcoming and compensating against any long term consequences of executive dysfunction.

And little did most people knew, executive function is foundational to developing and accessing IQ, EQ and SQ.
A reliable Executive Function itself can compensate for EQ and SQ.

Even I can personally attest that me without executive dysfunction; memory, relevant knowledge, internal regularion, socializing and emotional related matters follows through.

Like... If getting the respective EQ and SQ into balance with one's IQ, but ignores anything executive dysfunction; what are they gonna do with repeated unintentional mistakes?
Talk and charm themselves politely out of it?
No amount of resilience, no amount of social networking compensates cluelessness in being able to take said mistakes responsibly.

I would know. I stretch out my own EQ and SQ strengths and make do with all I have for all I care (taking it all the hurt, the mistakes and disappointments, charm myself out into leniency, holding out over my own ego, knowing when and when not to be proud, the focus and motivation, being present, the expressiveness and inclusivity, etc.), but it's nothing in the face of executive dysfunction related issues (learning from mistakes, being on time, rectifying mistakes, stopping mistakes altogether, not being reactive, not going suddenly clumsy, overwhelmed and forgetful, being intentional).

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03 Feb 2025, 6:32 am

follow your strongest interests and explore how you can make those interests into a job/ career ... lots of interests have all sorts of related work being done around them. Have you ever taken an aptitude/skills test? If you are in the USA, you will find a state sponsored jobs center in most county seats, and they usually give skills tests as part of helping you find employment. You can also use your written diagnosis summary to help understand your best strengths and your worst weaknesses and figure out self accommodations to "work around" the weaknesses.
If you are not strong on working with people all day long, you can look for work somewhere that does not require that function, for example.
I found the book "what color is your parachute" very helpful for figuring out jobs that might be right for me. You can find used versions of it everywhere for very little $. The skills survey and the first half of the book was useful and helped me understand myself so much better. Back part of the book is about job searches and was updated for years, Some basic info on job hunts and interviewing still applies but most of that will be out dated today. Do all of the tests in the front half of the book, you won't believe how much better you understand yourself and which jobs might work best for you.


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03 Feb 2025, 8:44 pm

You're probably still very smart, but were lagging too much in other areas. I lagged a lot socially, emotionally, planning & execution ... By end of high school others catched up because I never developed proper study habits while they were diligently keeping up with the homework. Hard work always beats talent where talent doesn't work hard

Second, "live up to your potential"... Is that your personal wish or just living up to the potential others see in you? In other words, are you just down because you can't live up to other's unfair expectations? I spent most of my life racking up achievements because that's what everyone was expecting, and I hated it. It was not my life but a life others decided I should live. If you're gifted a lot of people either want a piece of your talents (for example, parents who want to boast about your success) or want to sabotage you out of jealousy.

By the way, it's just a number. It doesn't define you. It's a part of you and your life story but nothing more, imo.

I've never done a professional IQ test but I have plenty of other tests and achievements to get you an idea. I've done a few informal ones and I'm typically around 2.5 standard deviations.


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03 Feb 2025, 9:18 pm

To be successful you need to be lucky and work hard.

Maybe your first idea didn't work but then you try something else


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04 Feb 2025, 10:21 am

As one becomes a teenager and then an adult there are more expectations and responsibilities. It is not uncommon for autistics(and others) that mature slower to not be able to handle the increased responsibilities.

This does not mean you are doomed to fail the rest of your life but it does involve making adjustments. You need to find out what works for you and what does not. This might mean adjusting your own expectations or definition of success to what is realistic for you. It often means lessoning or eliminating the importance of the expectations of others. Even if you do not change your goals it will involve adjusting how you get there.

This is a trial and error process that is frustrating at times.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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04 Feb 2025, 12:28 pm

Double Retired wrote:
• Build good habits. Routines can help you.
• Join Mensa. (No need to emphasize your Autism there. Weirdness is in abundance.)
P.S. To anyone who joins Mensa: Don't try to talk about IQs and intelligence. All the members have high IQs so it is seldom an interesting topic for conversation. You might want to start by just listening quietly to a conversation other people have going—if their conversation doesn't sound interesting to you just move on to a different group of people...and when you find an interesting conversation, dive in but try not to dominate it.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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04 Feb 2025, 12:59 pm

I am not certain of my IQ, but people tend to think I am intelligent. Why I achieved eight GCSEs only to squander everything I learnt in Years 12 and 13 at further education college by getting stoned and going out raving remains anyone’s guess. I feel rather foolish when I look up on my secondary school friends and see how well they have progressed – gaining entrance to university, building successful careers, finding partners and starting families. Even those who were labelled as geeks and had no girlfriends at school have all managed to tie the knot.

When I was 27, I was still over 15 years away from being diagnosed and, at my wit’s end, I was wrecking my health to the point of becoming homeless. I very nearly joined the 27 Club and did not reach 28, but thanks to the intervention of my mum and the NHS, I managed to receive therapy and secure a stable council flat. I am now undoubtedly experiencing a midlife crisis, having realised how many opportunities vanish once you are considered officially old – entering your 40s.

For anyone who has not yet reached that stage but remembers the age-based discrimination many of us faced as under-18s, make the most of the time you have. Even if you do not have children, you may soon be seen as a parent and deemed too old to be part of the music scene you have cherished throughout your life. I realise I am rambling, but it is a pleasure to meet you. I apologise for not being more helpful; just know that I completely relate to your post.