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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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14 Mar 2008, 6:36 am

Hillary is a socialist because she quoted an African proverb in one of her many badly written books.

Obama is a Muslim because his middle name is Hussein along with a supposely questionable upbringing in Indonesia. I guess if you spend to much time outside of the US you can get Muslim fever or something.

Hillary is going to lose to McCain because they have all this dirt they can throw at her.

Obama is going to lose to McCain because he only has 2 years experience in the Senate.

McCain is going to win because he is a maverick.

These statements won't irritate me so much if they actually had something to do with either candidate becoming an effective president.


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14 Mar 2008, 7:01 am

Yes, a 70 year old man getting some nookie with a younger woman makes him poor presidential material, but a past history of violence with guns and bombs is a good thing? I assume McCain killed people in Vietnam on his bombing runs...

But thats America, where bare boobs are bad, and to bear arms is good! It amazes me that the puritan mindset persists after so long.

But mostly I like you goofy Americans. But try to become a little more healthy-minded about sex and violence, ok?


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14 Mar 2008, 9:51 am

Man! Trying to explain the laws of nature is like tying to teach evolution to a Christian.

Mankind are warriors. Tribes, nation and courtiers and individual people are always competing for survival. The survival of the fittest ,or meanest, apply the same way for human as it does for animals. Mankind are not this super being from the metaverse that the laws of nature to not apply. Sociaty to not tolerate sexual sleaze because it weakens sociality and indirectly effect the societies ability to fight and win wars.

Imagine you are playing Civilisation II
To build your society would you invest in buggery and sexual sleaze or weapons of mass destruction.

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14 Mar 2008, 10:57 am

Actually from here in France the "americans", if it's possible to talk about them all at once! :wink:, often look refreshingly capable of irony and enlightened self-examination. I expect that it looks worse when living in the country itself, as the UK did to me before moving to france 10 years ago.



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14 Mar 2008, 11:07 am

Who said Obama was a Muslim? I never did, and I personally don't really care either way. But I think you are targeting me with your offensive post because I stated in another thread that Hillary was a socialist. Well, I do stand by that statement and it doesn't have a thing to do with an African Proverb she may have quoted.

Need more details? Well, take a look at her voting record, for one thing. The individual doesn't factor into anything she stands for. Look at "Hillary CARE" for a perfect example of this.

Finally, take a look at this quote:

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." [Hillary Clinton, 1993]

Now compare that to this quote:

"The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood." [Adolph Hitler, quoted in Hitler, A Study in Tyranny, by Alan Bullock (Harper Collins, NY)]

Do you see a similarity? Socialism is about making humans into worker bees for the collective hive, and this is what Hilary stands for in both her rhetoric and in her voting record.


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14 Mar 2008, 12:56 pm

The issue isn't gullibility so much as large levels of stupidity, if a lie is said enough times it eventually is taken as truth.


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14 Mar 2008, 1:07 pm

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
The issue isn't gullibility so much as large levels of stupidity, if a lie is said enough times it eventually is taken as truth.

I have to say I love this post, and I'm gonna use it as a quote very often. Just warning you.

Now back on topic, saying 'americans are gullible' is racist. Seriously. Americans are no more gullible than israelis, chinese, russians, or anyone else. Perhaps americans are highlighted more, I don't know, but... whatever.


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14 Mar 2008, 1:32 pm

Whivit wrote:
Awesomelyglorious wrote:
The issue isn't gullibility so much as large levels of stupidity, if a lie is said enough times it eventually is taken as truth.

I have to say I love this post, and I'm gonna use it as a quote very often. Just warning you.

Now back on topic, saying 'americans are gullible' is racist. Seriously. Americans are no more gullible than israelis, chinese, russians, or anyone else. Perhaps americans are highlighted more, I don't know, but... whatever.

The question is why are NTs gullible.


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14 Mar 2008, 1:39 pm

Ah, well, normal people are stupid. :D

No, but again, NTs are no more gullible than aspies; you just see it that way because you are an aspie. Aspies can be just as stupid as normal people, or just as smart; so there is no relevance. *Shrugs* We just see it as a difference because we're this way, they're that way, it's easier to judge.


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14 Mar 2008, 4:15 pm

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
if a lie is said enough times it eventually is taken as truth.

I think that I've heard this quote enough times that it must by now be true.

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14 Mar 2008, 7:48 pm

People are gullible/ hold stupid beliefs simply because the perceived cost of holding the belief is low to them, and they can the benefit of being liked or avoiding dislike by like minded people (which is more important for most people than one would initially think since people still today form their own "tribes" and social groups).

For example, a person might not know much about say the "living wage" but they say they support it for X reason. The chance of their belief actually becoming policy might be low, the cost of learning about economics is relatively high to the benefit, and even if it passes, they believe the new policy will not negatively or positively effect them (assuming they are not currently a minimum wage earner), so why bother hold researched/rational beliefs if the costs are greater than benefits (of course they do not consciously think this)? This pretty much applies to the majority of people on most political issues across all countries, to not just Americans (it is part of democracy I suppose).


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14 Mar 2008, 9:07 pm

The problem is a lack of good candidates for President, not that Americans are gullible. Most of us will have to go to the polls in November and hold our nose when we vote (if we even bother at all). I've been a lifelong Democrat and I'm dismayed at the current state of the party. It's gone too 'Leftist' for my taste, so I'm considering registering as an Independent. For one thing, I started out supporting Hillary, but the more I learn about her, the less I see her as a viable candidate for President. If Bill would run again, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. Obama is the same as Hillary, he just has a winning personality that she quite frankly doesn't have. Neither one of them are ready to be President, in my view, and that only leaves McCain. He would only be a continuation of George Bush. McCain will win, though, simply because the Democratic party hasn't had an unassailable candidate in years. If the Democratic party keeps trying to force Socialism down our throats, before long there will be no more Democratic Party. Most Americans are 'middle of the road,' and so far, there isn't one candidate out there of any party who fits the bill.

The warnings of a fracture in the Democratic party are pointless -it's already happened. It's split on racial and gender-specific lines. When I listened to a radio talk show the other day (a Republican one), a black female activist got on and was saying something to the effect of "If Hillary takes the nomination away from him [Obama], there will be a repeat of the 1968 Democratic primary," (riots, general unrest, yadda, yadda). I thought this was incendiary and uncalled-for. Obama is a good man, and if he had ten years in the Senate rather than only two, I'd have no problem voting for him. When this woman said that all white women hate Obama for running as the First Black President (picking up on comments made by Geraldine Ferraro early in the week), I had to pull my car over. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, or to tear the radio out of my car. So has it come to this? All white female Hillary supporters are RACIST now? What a load of crap! I hate this attitude Obama supporters have that says, "either you're with us or you're a racist." What utter, total BS.

That's how bad the Democratic party has gotten. If Obama wants to be president, then he needs to tell his supporters to calm this kind of rhetoric or else he'll never be elected president. A president is supposed not only lead, he has to UNITE our country - not divide it as is happening now. If the Democrats don't get their sh*t together, McCain will win in a landslide, no matter WHO the Democratic nominee is. Right now, Hillary and Obama are fighting like a couple of school children while McCain looks on from his loftier position as being the 'adult' in all of this.

How sad it is....

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14 Mar 2008, 10:22 pm

The choice of candidates this election is poor in my opinion; it's like choosing between Hitler and Stalin: there's just not much difference. I'm thinking of the 3rd Party/write-in option this year.


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15 Mar 2008, 12:12 am

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
The choice of candidates this election is poor in my opinion; it's like choosing between Hitler and Stalin: there's just not much difference. I'm thinking of the 3rd Party/write-in option this year.



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15 Mar 2008, 12:20 am

Whivit wrote:
Now back on topic, saying 'americans are gullible' is racist. Seriously.

while you may be true with your point of americans being no more or less gullible than any other nation (what i, personally, would doubt, given how much creationism rages over there, and how easily religious ideas could be swept into politics. but ultimately, thats just a personal guess of mine.), what you are not true is the point on racism.

the statement is discriminating against americans, but at no point is it concerned with race. the definition of racism is that a stance is taken that races exist and race differences mean quality/worth differences.
racist statements would be: blacks are inferior people, all whites are stupid, eskimos suck, etcetera... saying that sitizens of a certain nation (especially when the nation builds on a multiracial fundament) are prone to a certain kind of behavior is not.


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15 Mar 2008, 1:46 am

Rainstorm5 wrote:
so I'm considering registering as an Independent.

I dont get why you all have to sign up for a party, and yet, can vote any which way you want!