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22 May 2008, 12:57 pm

There's a new blog at . It's a bit hard-core and not for the feint hearted. It's also extremely funny in parts. I think it's a bit much for the mainstream, but if you've got a black sense of humour or you've ever got on the wrong side of the mental health system, it might be your thing. The author is having a rough time at the moment and he could do with your support. Please drop by and share your dodgy shrink stories.

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22 May 2008, 3:52 pm

very funny stuff...thanks for sharing,read some and bookmarking for later.

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22 May 2008, 4:24 pm

If the blog disappears because lawyers get involved there's a mirror at that'll come on-line. Thanks for visiting.

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22 May 2008, 4:41 pm

I posted the link in the "old people thread"...Dino Cafe in the "getting to know you" forum. I think they will like it as well, because they are some funny folks in there who appriciate this kind of humor. I thikn the quicket way to mental health is being able to laugh at the absurdity of what is considered "normal". Especially true in social services(speaking as both a "worker" and a client) in the field. The more I learn about the research and medical fields, the more obvious it becomes that they have also given up on the scientific/logic method to embrace emotion and cultural influences....sad.

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23 May 2008, 11:19 am

I just got a email reply from "Plato", as to why no comments are being approved. They've already had trouble with lawyers threatening to sue them for libel, and so they're double checking all comments for "Certain Things". All replies will be up by Thursday at the latest.

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23 May 2008, 12:51 pm

Who is threatening to sue, Socrates.( I thought he came off as a rather nice guy)

I thought that this fell under the laws freedom of speech. I mean comedians are constantly "playing" famous people and exaggerating their character flaws (like on Saturday Night Live). Anything that obviously "exaggerates" social flaws to illustrate a point...such as Jonathon Swift, "A Modest Proposal" are not only protected but part of most High School's curriculum.

Do you guys have a lawyer?

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23 May 2008, 6:15 pm

I've got a feeling its like abscout and the - sabre rattling. Just to see if they back down... I don't think they will. I mean, suing a homeless, autistic man for libel... How low can you go?

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23 May 2008, 11:02 pm

I hope they don't back down themselves(Socrates and CO.). It's a good read and I hope to see more of it. I would wait for any legal papers to come and I think they could get a lawyer to represent them for you say..sure would look bad for who ever is sueing.

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25 May 2008, 1:23 pm

I think that the blog is way overdo and it's good that it came into existence. I've read parts of it, and I think that it's very good.

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26 May 2008, 12:37 pm

I wonder how many other autistics are out there that don't usually get the chance to have their voices heard?

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26 May 2008, 1:06 pm

That blog is genius!! Hope the author knows how much support he's got.

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