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05 Nov 2005, 8:09 pm

My son is going to be 6 this month. He was dx with asperger in april. By the way this is my first post. My sister saw this sight and directed me here. I saw the post by a women who son just started wetting his pants. Well my problem is that my son always has. I keep two pairs of pants at school for him. And at home either he wents his pants and acts like it never happened or he will make a mad dash to the bathroom, but it is too late. For him to make it is a rareity. When he has an accident he often gets very upset if it is mentioned at all. All I have to do is ask him (and I do try to use a soft tone) to go and change his pants and he will look at the ground, stomp his feet, and get really aggravated. Sometimes he will say, "Oh, I didn't know" and it is okay, but that is not too often. Do you guys have any advice for a kid who has never seemed to be aware of having to go. I am worried, because he is mainstreamed in school (which he does do really good) and I am afraid that in not too much longer he is going to start getting tormented at school. He is only in kindergarden now, but if it is still like the in 1st, 2nd, and so on I am worried for him. Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you. :?


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05 Nov 2005, 9:55 pm

I know Donna Williams talks some about this problem in her book 'Exposure Anxiety: The Invisiable Cage'

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 Nov 2005, 10:13 am

my son pretty much always has done it he started when he was about 6 but he wasn't potty trained until 4 either I would just make sure he cleans himself up and also we have FINALLY convinced my son just to start checking every time he stands up and pointing out that it's no big deal to us as long as he cleans to prevent hurting his skin and making sure he doesn't smell from it. He checks most of the time now but still needs us to point it out from time to time.


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06 Nov 2005, 11:56 pm

My son is 7 years old, and was dx'd in July. He's had a history of wetting in unusual places. There have been a couple times he wet himself, but it was usually that he was wetting in strange places, like in his closet, under his bed, in the corner, in the front yard, etc. The thing that helped him work past that was lots of patience. My advice to you would be to talk to him. I think talking to your son could be the most valuable thing you could do. It might take lots of patience, and you might start to feel like a broken record, but just try to keep at it. It might help.

My son doesn't wet in odd places anymore. He seems like he's finally grown past it. He does still have problems with using the bathroom. I constantly have to remind him to flush the toilet and he tends to way over use the toilet paper. Our toilet has been clogged several times. The bathtup has also been clogged with toilet paper a couple times before, (we're not sure exactly what he did to cause that), but we just keep trying to talk to him about it.

Sometimes, that's just the best thing we can do. Hang in there and stay strong. He needs your support and your love more than anything.