Spoiled people working minimum wage jobs.

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Sea Gull
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05 Dec 2005, 12:43 am

It really irks me.
Why work if mommy and daddy are going to give you everything? Case in point,

I worked with this prepy, cheerleader girl for half a year. Her parents gave her older sister a brand new Ford Focus, but took it away from her when she got knocked up with some crackhead. So the prep is given a brand new car, and a disowned sister. She is a awful worker, and she tells us her parents pay for everything except gas and "some" of college. Push come to shove, her parents paid for everything, according to her. And she said finincal aid was going to pay for most of her expensive education, but she'd owe around 4grand when it was all said and done. Her parents will pay for it, trust me. And I doubt something like that would pay for around $30,000 worth of college bills

There was this girl I worked with who said her father was going to buy her a Chrysler Crossfire However, she would have to pay for College. So let me get this straight, you'd pay for a (at the time) $40,000 car, but not college instead? What's more productive? She said "well, my dad is trying to teach me responsability." Yeah right. I don't even think she could have fit in a Crossfire.

Needless to say, she quit before that week was done, and I dunno what happened to her. She claimed she was paying for her old rusty Chevy Lumina, but even I doubt that.

I wonder if she bought one on overstock.com



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05 Dec 2005, 1:34 am

The problem is that mommy and daddy may not have much in the way of life skills themselves and they aren't passing any on to their progeny. If they want to teach their daughter "responsibility" they need to start early and identify actual skill sets that their daughter might need if she has to live in the real world. It would have helped me a lot.


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05 Dec 2005, 4:55 am

I'll admit it, I'm spoiled :oops: .

My parents paid for me to go to college, and also bought me a car this year. They are allowing me to live at home while I work towards getting enough money/a better job to move out on my own. I am paying for my health and car insurance, and all my medical bills (physical therapy twice a week adds up, ugh).

My point is, however, I appreciate what they are doing for me, and I'm also working hard to become independant and live on my own. Not everyone who is financially supported by their parents is stupid, bratty, or a jerk. I know both of my parents have worked hard to get where our family is now, as both of them came from abusive/neglectful low-income homes. I try to keep that in mind whenever I feel like I'm having a hard time in life.

As for those who don't appreciate, however, they need a reality check, I agree.


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05 Dec 2005, 6:42 am

Why work if mommy and daddy are going to give you everything?

I think it's good for little brats to learn the value of money to be honest.


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05 Dec 2005, 9:46 am

Money is only worth what other people will pay for it.


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05 Dec 2005, 10:24 am

I'd have to say I'm spoilt as well, but my parents have taught me alot and are still in the process of teaching me alot that needs to be learnt. Their reasoning is that I have to look after them when they retire and get old, so if they help me out now, I can help them out then instead of be paying off university and car fees as well as everything else.

Sea Gull
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05 Dec 2005, 1:29 pm

maybe she got a job because she wanted to go out on her own instead of leeching off her parents fo the rest of her life. either that, or her parents wanted her to go off on her own without leeching off of them for the rest of her life.

Pileated woodpecker
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05 Dec 2005, 2:26 pm

I left hime right away and pursed my dreams. I moved to Hawaii about 6,000 mi from home and went to Korea and lived for awhile. My parents did not spoil me, I began working around 14 yrs. old and have been doing so since. My parents always told me that I would appreciate my things more if I had to buy them myself........and besides, I don't think i would want to be spoiled. It feels better to know you've worked so hard to have something, people don't want to just be given something for nonthing.


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05 Dec 2005, 2:39 pm

I dont think its being spoiled at all to have some of college paid for you, but a new car yes very much so.

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Sea Gull
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05 Dec 2005, 4:43 pm

Endersdragon wrote:
I dont think its being spoiled at all to have some of college paid for you, but a new car yes very much so.

That's what I was getting at. However, if your parents buy you a piece of s**t junker, fine. But a brand new car?! There was a kid I graduated with, and my old car is cleaner than his truck, and in better condition.

These people did not want independence.

Then there is these two boys I graduated with who played sports, and where so spoiled that their parents paid for everything, cars, drugs, insurance, etc. They didn't even pump their own gas. I drove by the gas station near there house, and I saw their folks pumping their gas. One of them stole a jersey from another team, and they didn't get punished. s**t.


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05 Dec 2005, 6:49 pm

airbikecop wrote:
That's what I was getting at. However, if your parents buy you a piece of sh** junker, fine. But a brand new car?! There was a kid I graduated with, and my old car is cleaner than his truck, and in better condition.

These people did not want independence.

Then there is these two boys I graduated with who played sports, and where so spoiled that their parents paid for everything, cars, drugs, insurance, etc. They didn't even pump their own gas. I drove by the gas station near there house, and I saw their folks pumping their gas. One of them stole a jersey from another team, and they didn't get punished. sh**.

Don't worry.

Real life and responsibility will catch up to these people in a big hurry sooner or later.
And if somehow they dodge it, they won't be happy or fullfilled......they most certainly aren't happy now.

Snowy Owl
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05 Dec 2005, 7:08 pm

i have a real hard time holding down a job wich is why im in vocational rehabilitation. it sucks ass and looks like im going to be a janitor the rest of my life. oh well atleast ill be able to listen to SLAYER the entire time i clean toilets! because im pretty sure ittle be a nite job


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05 Dec 2005, 7:26 pm

It's the same thing as affirmative Action. It is nothing more than an enabler.

For instance, lets say i'm a white guy in America, and i bust my ass gaining a 3.8 gpa. And on the other hand you have a minority, any one will do.
All they have to get is a 2.8 to gain entrance into Cal Berkley, or medical school over me.

As long as i don't get discouraged and keep my head down and my elbows flying with hard work, who will be more prepared for the real life?

Because life is a cruel demander of survival of the fittest. Whoever has parents who demand responsibity from their children are likely to far exceed those who get handed everything.

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05 Dec 2005, 7:38 pm

I live in a town with a lot of spoiled brats, they'll get what they deserve evantually.


Snowy Owl
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05 Dec 2005, 9:14 pm

SB2 wrote:
It's the same thing as affirmative Action.

Snowy Owl
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05 Dec 2005, 9:16 pm

but really though some people do get jobs over others because of there skin color its messed up.