Did your condition get you into trouble in College?

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21 Oct 2004, 10:11 pm

Here's an example.

When I was in College, one of my new-found obsessions was British Rock. I discovered that I wasn't meant to be a Long-Hair and I was obsessed with The Kinks. I went on about them during the break times for about a week. whenever somebody mentioned anything that had to do with sex or dancers, I said, "EEwww, Kinky!" There was one of two students who liked to pick on the students who had Accents. He told me, "You are a Kink." That shut me up about sex for a long time. However, I found it wonderful that I was called A Kink because of my obsession, and my clothes gradually got more Modish with each passing day.


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21 Oct 2004, 10:26 pm

So far no. College at a small university extension with only 500 students was nice since the student body for the most part didn't notice my oddities, or just ignored them.

Living here in Oshkosh for two months now has given a whole different feeling than when I was attending classes in Manitowoc. People in my dorm complex have already picked up on the fact that I'm wierd and other things. The only thing I want to know is how many others have been told. When I pass by rooms that are near my mine, and the doors are open, I often get strange looks from the people inside that I can't decipher, or someone passing me in the hall will give me a odd look.

It's been a very unnerving two months for me here.

I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...


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21 Oct 2004, 11:08 pm

I have had troubles with chemistry labs! I don't follow verbal directions well at all, so when the TA explained what we were supposed to do it would go in one ear and out the other and I would have to take quick peeks at everyone else. There are written instructions but those can be confusing too. Once I was about 2/3 into the lab when I discovered I was doing the whole thing wrong!! Luckily we didn't have to work with partners very often but I hated it when we did b/c I have to do everything so slowly and they just wanted to hurry through it. My lab this semester is the worst b/c the instructions aren't really step by step or clear and we have some complicated lab setups (but so far I've only broken 2 instruments!) Sometimes I'm not fast enough and my TA has to bail me out. Even though I get pretty good grades in the lab she thinks I'm a few Brady's short of a bunch and doesn't really like me. It's part of the reason that I'm (hopefully!) switching my major over next semester (which means only 5 more chem labs left in my college career! Yay!) I also get the weird looks a lot, and I am in an extracirricular service/social club and they are really nice and I talk to them but they are always asking why I don't talk more and I don't know if I should tell them. I've been opening up to them more lately though so mostly it's just a problem when we meet up with clubs from other schools (the club I'm in has chapters all over the country).

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22 Oct 2004, 12:32 am

The only problem I've had so far is the usual inability to communicate in normal ways, leading to social isolation which is a little troublesome when I need help. I have not been explicitly picked on.


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22 Oct 2004, 2:14 am

I don't follow verbal directions well at all, so when the TA explained what we were supposed to do it would go in one ear and out the other and I would have to take quick peeks at everyone else.

Same here, midge. Luckily, I go to an art school, so lectures and instructions are not given as often as they would in science or liberal arts colleges.

Mostly, I have trouble because I don't participate in class. I hate speaking in front of a lot of people, and never know when the correct time to talk is. I also have a very hard time gathering my thoughts for verbal presentation to the class, as well as interpretting the teacher's questions. To facilitate these difficulties, I usually email my teachers with any questions. Sometimes, I explain that I'm very shy and have a very difficult time participating in class.

I'm a bit worried right now because I think my psychology teacher may be frustrated with the fact that I never speak in class, since I sit in the front row and am always looking down to avoid eye contact. I have immense troubles with eye contact, as it seems like I'm always either completely avoiding it or I am over-using it, because usually when I attempt making eye-contact the other person looks away or misinterprets my intentions.

I thought about telling her about AS, but it's halfway through the semester now, and I'm not formally diagnosed, so I don't know if it's a good idea. Any opinions on this?


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22 Oct 2004, 8:41 am

I haven't run into really any problems three months into my first semester of college. The other students are all relatively accepting of me and I am actually starting to like it here.


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22 Oct 2004, 1:39 pm

I'm a Kinks fan too - love the new commercial with 'Picture Book' from The Village Green Preservation Society. Seems to show rock music is all retro now, just recycling old genres.

Anyway, the AS only got me in real trouble once that wasn't too different from normal people, being depressed and trying to keep up with a hard-drinking friend. Woke up face down on the bathroom floor where somebody had dragged me.

One reason I was anxious and depressed was it was Parents' Weekend. When I answered the knock on my door later that day I found out I'd vomited on myself the night before.

Have only got sick and passed out from drinking twice and that was the second time. Same emotional causes brought it on. Since I've been completely on my own - no more bullying parents - I haven't got seriously drunk. No reason to!

But beyond that, with 20/20 hindsight I realize I had the beginnings of a decent circle of friends my first and the beginning of my second years. People outside the mainstream of fraternities, sport and even the liberal chaplaincy I didn't and don't agree with. Trouble was, with major upset at home (not directly to the AS for once), and not knowing about AS, my condition got worse and I drove all my friends away by talking incessantly about the Roman Catholic Church.

What a waste. 'I could have been a contender.'

I wasn't picked on either, just ignored and isolated. Same today.

Last edited by Young_fogey on 02 Nov 2004, 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Snowy Owl
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26 Oct 2004, 12:00 am

I like being alone, it scares people. it's the best when i go to the cafeteria, walk all the way to the back without looking at anyone.

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Nov 2004, 1:53 am

i had a problem when i first got to university, but i don't know it is related to AS or the quality of the public school i attended. i was totally unprepared for all the studying and homework that is required for college classes. i never studied at all in high school. didn't even show up for class half the time and still managed a 3.5 gpa. i guess maybe i have a photographic memory


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02 Nov 2004, 6:23 am

I like being alone, it scares people. it's the best when i go to the cafeteria, walk all the way to the back without looking at anyone.

I also like to be alone, but not when I am surrounded by other people. It makes me feel very insecure if I have no one to talk to while everyone else around me is speaking to someone else. I think having someone I know with me is a comfort because it helps me keep my mind off of the situation, and makes any other interaction easy, because I only have to work at it half as much.

I don't eat alone in the cafeteria. Usually, I take my food back to my room and eat in front of the computer. Sometimes, I sit with a few friends. The cafeteria can be very loud at times, however, so I don't like to stay there for very long.

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14 Nov 2004, 9:30 pm

"no thanks" is my favorite phrase in a cafeteria.


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15 Nov 2004, 3:44 am

My problems in tertiary education are all work related. I find it hard to get a grasp on things.


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21 Nov 2004, 8:15 am

The Kinks are great Cockney!

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Dec 2004, 2:23 am

(problem solved)


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06 Dec 2004, 9:20 pm

There was this one time, a neighboring dorm had there music up really loud and I could hear it loud through the walls. My response though instead of saying something to somebody, I turned my music up real loud to drown them out and opened up doors and windows and even put my hands over my ears in my bed. Needless to say, I did not get the desired result. Instead of calling my neighbors dorm room to complain the resident called mine and said several complaints I had been received. I suppose I may have misunderstood the loudness of the music next door. Perhaps, I thought at the time that since I could hear it loud through the wall that they should realize it was too loud and turn it down themselves or perhaps I thought it some kind of rite of passage or challenge that I was expected to take. Is that an example?

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06 Dec 2004, 9:35 pm

The only trouble ive gottten in so far was I had trouble communicating with an instructor, but it was more her fault because she would not likstened to me. Telling her about AS would have been pointless since she had no idea what it was. She could not understand that i have trouble socializing, was bad at names. I could go on with what else was wrong with her.

Although I managed to freak out a few people with drawing, and stuff i put on my binders (the kind I use have clear platic things on the cover so I can put various graphics or whatever and remove them)