
Six phrases and questions likely to confuse people with Asperger’s.

By on February 14, 2015

result12345678910111213 Throughout this post, I will refer to people with Asperger’s as “Aspies.” This is not considered a derogatory term; it’s simply how we refer to ourselves. First, we are not stupid. We also are not trying to be difficult when we say we don’t understand you. We don’t have a disease, and the vast majority […]

Autism center awarded $188,000 state grant

By on September 3, 2004

Auburn’s Autism Center recently received a $188,000 grant from the state Office of Special Education. The three-year subsidy is part of a state improvement grant for special education. The University’s center opened in January to serve children and families dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The disorder affects children’s communication skills. Symptoms include difficulty with verbal and non-verbal communication and social...

Speech disorder study

By on August 30, 2004

New research from Purdue University shows that even when people who stutter are not speaking, their brains process language differently. Christine Weber-Fox, assistant professor of speech sciences, and John Spruill III, a doctoral student in the Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences from Virginia Beach, Va., prepare a subject for a continuing study to evaluate the brain's role in language processing in adults who do and do not stutter....

Dyslexia study

By on August 27, 2004

Italian researchers have observed significant reductions of gray matter volume in areas of the brain associated with language processing among people with a family history of dyslexia in comparison with controls with no reading problems. Published in the August 24 issue of Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology, the study also lends support to previous studies suggesting intensive reading therapy activates...