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 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Wanting Friends

 Post subject: Re: Wanting Friends
Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 4:29 am 

Replies: 9
Views: 513

Sorry to hear this. To help out, it might be good to invite people to go places like the cinema, a lunch/dinner/drink somewhere. See if this works. But I understand overall how frustrating it can be to be actually trying to socialise. You'll get to where you want soon though, as long as you don't gi...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Going to take a risk and ask out a stranger

Posted: 30 Nov 2016, 5:45 pm 

Replies: 18
Views: 1,401

I know what others will tell: "What are you gonna lose?" "Go for it!" "You will never find out unless you ask!" As for me, I tell you this: You did the logical thing, she is a stranger - and I bet 100% that it will NOT work; unless maybe you are physically drop dead ha...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: How Do I Know if a Conversation Went Well?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 5:19 pm 

Replies: 1
Views: 1,328

I feel quite uncomfortable saying that because he fact is when a conversation is done, it's done. There's no point worrying about it or trying to judge it - because unless you walk away feeling like "Wow, that conversation went fantastic", you're always going to be critical. I'm even hesit...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Taking Compliments

 Post subject: Re: Taking Compliments
Posted: 01 Nov 2016, 2:47 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 788

Racheypie666, if it means anything, from reading your story, your feelings are completely natural. To help you out, something I would have done would have being to think of 3 generic responses e.g "Thank you. I appreciate it", "Thanks, that's very kind of you" or, if they're comp...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: How do you successfully make friends?

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 3:08 am 

Replies: 16
Views: 1,018

Actually, as others may know by now, I do in fact help people learn to form their own social circles. The plan would be to provide a more permanent solution to one having trouble in this area. It's too long to repeat but you're free to check out this thread that gives the summary of what I do: http:...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: A guide on how to make friends

Posted: 26 Oct 2016, 4:14 pm 

Replies: 4
Views: 833

Hello Jekabz. Well I do have my own way of helping those who want to make friends but I've already shared that on a forum thread of mine, so feel free to ask if youd like a link. But certainly it's interesting hearing what others think is a right approach, hence this thread catching my attention. In...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Sounding sarcastic?

 Post subject: Re: Sounding sarcastic?
Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 4:49 pm 

Replies: 14
Views: 4,584

Apparently at my first therapy session there was something revealing. I sound sarcastic when I don't mean to and I don't raise my pitch like others do when asking questions. Is this a common issue for us? I am also curious whether or not it is possible to alter intonation via conditioning. Did your...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Acceptance

 Post subject: Re: Acceptance
Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 7:03 am 

Replies: 4
Views: 435

Hi, Has anyone else been through the experience of using all the coping mechanisms for interacting with other people but being exhausted by it. I found that I could use these coping mechanisms successfully for about 85% of the people I worked with. But the remaining 15% could see straight through i...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Hard time responding to banter

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 1:10 pm 

Replies: 31
Views: 1,740

I know exactly when people are joking or not, but all I do is laugh. I know laughing is good, but I wish I could think of good comebacks when my co-workers banter with me. I feel like I come across as nervous and boring. Because of my social anxiety, I worry that if I do verbally respond to banter,...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Helping people with socialising

Posted: 05 Oct 2016, 8:04 pm 

Replies: 6
Views: 640

Hi all.  So I'm in the Caribbean on holiday. Whilst I'd been stuck inside due to Hurricane Matthew (though others had had it a lot worse) I decided to catch up on some private messages. With people asking several times how the communication works, I decided that rather than repeating myself, I'd add...

 Forum: discussion   Topic: Private message stuck in outbox and not sending

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 7:54 am 

Replies: 2
Views: 236

Raleigh wrote:
The PMs are in the outbox because the recipient has not yet read them.
When the recipient reads the message, it then displays as a sent message.

Very helpful, thank you.

 Forum: discussion   Topic: Private message stuck in outbox and not sending

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 5:58 am 

Replies: 2
Views: 236

I have a PM that on hitting "Submit" goes into the outbox. It's not in the "sent messages" folder. Any advice on how to get them sent please?

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: "scoring" real friends

 Post subject: Re: "scoring" real friends
Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 3:47 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 483

First step: quit drugs. As hard as I know it'll be, people will be more interested in you. No one likes a junkie wasting their life away. Apologies if I sounded harsh, but that's the reality of it. I wouldn't expect the pointing out of shortcomings OP is already trying to overcome to be very helpfu...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Loneliness in a new city?

Posted: 12 Sep 2016, 5:16 pm 

Replies: 2
Views: 259

Same advice as the other poster regarding general activities and clubs. It might be worth reading my thread on this section as well, as it's to help people in situations very similar to yours. Feel free to pop in and ask any questions.

Otherwise I wish you the best of luck.

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Keeping in Contact with People

Posted: 09 Sep 2016, 1:23 am 

Replies: 8
Views: 700

I suck at keeping in contact with people. Is this common for you all as well? Maintaining relationships is difficult for me. I want to keep my relatives pleased and keep the friends I make, but I am not able to message them back with any regularity. If its not immediate family, I may not reply at a...

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: Helping people with socialising

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 6:44 am 

Replies: 6
Views: 640

Agh, I don't how to edit my original post. But anyway, as stated before, in October I'm travelling abroad and won't be on the forum. So anyone curious enough might like to try out 2-3 weekly sessions with a social activity accompanied by my guidance during September. This should give you an idea of ...
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