Worried to death about my daughter.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Nov 2023, 11:47 pm

She doesn't know how she's going to make it through live with autism. She's 20. In her 2nd year of college for animation and still has no friends. The sound of therapy pisses her off. I just want her to be happy.


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29 Nov 2023, 4:16 pm

She might be stronger than you know. I hope she has a successful career in animation.

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29 Nov 2023, 4:45 pm

What is about autism that upsets her so much?

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29 Nov 2023, 4:46 pm

Knowing that you have a medically recognised social deficit/disorder can be upsetting.

When I first figured I was autistic, I felt suicidal.


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30 Nov 2023, 7:38 am

What do you mean by the 'sound' of therapy. Like the idea/suggestion of it is annoying to her? Or she's tried it and didn't like it?

Does she talk to you about her isolation? Does she feel isolated? Because you can be isolated but not really feel it as a problem.

Does she live at home?

Sorry to throw so many questions at you. I can understand why you're worried about your daughter. I'm worried about my daughter. She's much younger than yours but is starting to notice that she doesn't have friends the way other kids in her class have friends and wondering what's different about her.

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30 Nov 2023, 9:29 am

Kmcgowan wrote:
She doesn't know how she's going to make it through live with autism. She's 20. In her 2nd year of college for animation and still has no friends. The sound of therapy pisses her off. I just want her to be happy.

What has she done, so far, by way of trying to find potential friends? Has she tried to get involved with any campus clubs, for example?

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30 Nov 2023, 2:58 pm

Is she actively disliked and bullied by her peers? Is it depressing for her to not have friends? Simply not having friends is not a bad thing, some people don't care about it much


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05 Dec 2023, 6:18 am

She is young and will sort it out! hormones raging at that age interfere with judgement as well. If college doesn't work out, there are many options where she can fill a niche and be happy in her life. She'll be OK. I have 2 autistic adult offspring, both are living independently now (one with help and extra support) things settle down as they get older. I have read that individuals grow mentally and emotionally more from age 20 to 30 than they do from age 10 to 20. Imagine that!! ! Cheering you both on, its will be OK. <3


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