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Mona Pereth

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15 Nov 2021, 5:13 am

That page in the FBI file refers to an archeologist's report. That's probably E. Gary Stickel's report (PDF).

I also found a critique of Stickel's report, What was under the McMartin Preschool? A Review and Behavioral Analysis of the "Tunnels" Find (PDF) by W. Joseph Wyatt, about which more info here.

Another critique of Stickel's report: The Dark Truth About the "Dark Tunnels of McMartin" by John Earl.

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15 Nov 2021, 6:48 pm

I recall how WP used to have a member who yapped about crazy theories about Hillary Clinton and her staff being pedophiles and cannibals. I believe he got himself banned.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Nov 2021, 5:01 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
That page in the FBI file refers to an archeologist's report. That's probably E. Gary Stickel's report (PDF).

I also found a critique of Stickel's report, What was under the McMartin Preschool? A Review and Behavioral Analysis of the "Tunnels" Find (PDF) by W. Joseph Wyatt, about which more info here.

Another critique of Stickel's report: The Dark Truth About the "Dark Tunnels of McMartin" by John Earl.

Hehe. That was a lot to read. I think you are right, the pages are consistent with a draft version of the elusive Stickel report. I still don't know what to think of it all. I guess only the FBI knows why that was sandwiched in to a file about the Finders.

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17 Nov 2021, 10:35 am

"QAnon, Blood Libel, and the Satanic Panic"

My God Such an Extreme Seemingly "Insane" Ideology;

Yet is it Truly Anything New; Does Literally Half the Globe Believe

And Profess That An All Merciful Loving God Is Gonna Destroy The

World And Torture Part of that HE GOD'S Creation Forever; Well HeLL No,

This Part of Human

Reality is the Oldest

Lie of Stories TOld oF All...

True, Ironically 'The Greatest Lie Ever Told'

Used By Those in Power to Subjugate And Control

'Minions' Dangling Carrots of Heaven And Sticks of Hell

In Front of them on A Fishing Pole Until After Death of Course

Wow! What a Guarantee of A Used Car Lemon Deal oF All The Centuries....

One of the Most Important Findings of Modern Science, More Specifically

Neuroscience, is that Humans Solo and Together Basically Hallucinate Their

Reality Within Based on Hallucinations Created Within of Experiences Before;

Voila, This
Means in

Terms of
Human Solo
And Together

Stories Almost Anything
Goes As Deep As iMaGiNaTioN
And Creativity Will Bring in Terms

of Nightmares through Dreams Brought to
the Surface of Our Individual And Shared Realities Now...

Yes By God, Story Rules By Tradition of Social Cohesion; Also
Known As The Binds and Bonds Over Ideologies and Symbols

Yes AS Human Group Think Stories Are Fully ILLusTRated this way

Through the Ages Through Culture/Philosophy/Religion/Politics;

Is THere Any Real Separation; No, For Story Rules By Individual or
Group Cohesive Cooperative and Competitive Togetherness in Binds

And Bonds

The Same
And Of Course

Humans Remember
Fear Most For Survival;

And of Course Humans As Science
Shows Will Become Addicted to the
Cortisol, Dopamine, Adrenalin, Noradrenalin

That Fear And Anger Brings, so Those in Power
Understanding Human Nature, and A Sucker is Born
Every Minute this Way, Will Take Full Advantage in Terms

of Dangling Carrots and Sticks on Fishing Poles in Front of their

Face Till AFter Death, Still Now Wearing a Smile of Subjugating And Controlling


Herds of
Sheep This way...

And The 'Goats' Smiled
All The Way to The Bank

And Never Really Got Burned At all...

Or Did they When they Breathed the
Lasts Breath of Life, Never Tasting a
True God of Love on Their Tongue For



Least Harm...

Depends on What
Folks Believe, the Truth
is as Anything Truly Goes

With the Strangest of Conditions
Humanity Brings in the Stories They
Continue to Imagine, Create And Bring
to Fruition as Nightmares in Hell though Heaven on Earth Now...

So, In Discussing, The Horrible Attributes of the Trump Way of
Life, with the Local Grand Knight of the Catholic Church who
Was Once in the Military, Retiring From that way of Life, He Said

The United States Must Rule By God's Law, Which of Course Meant
Three Things; No Abortions, No Gay Marriage, And No Rights For

Any LGBQT+ Person to Love and Touch the Body Parts of Significant to Married others...

And Of Course, All the Other Rules and Regulations in Dogma of His Catholic View of the World...

i Lost a Large Part of my Mother to the Insanity of Fire Breathing Brimstone Talk Radio in the Same

Dogmatic Republican Way of Evangelistic Christianity With the Fire Breathing God Who Tortures Enemies

Forever Who Is So God Damned Loving and Merciful This Way; And Lost Many Trump Believing And QAnon,
Blood Libel, And Satanic Panic, Decades Long Friends As Well And Even in the Poetry World too Accusing

Me As One who
Voted For

Of Being Part
of A Satanic
Worshipping Group...

Those Folks Still Spend
Their Days Addicted to Anger

With Glazed Over Eyes of Faux Power

With THeir Belief they have the Authority

With Their God of Hate and Fear And Anger

to Sentence People to Hell Forever For Not

Believing the Way They

Do; Well Yes,


Has their Number and

Mine too; THeiR Story in Fruition

On this Earth is Hell; And Mine Is Heaven;

There is No Panic WHere i Live, Only Sunshine

With A Few Small

Spots of


i See from
The View of
my Soul When

They Come Before
me With The View of
WHere They Are From Now...

If Only They Could Create A Better
Story for Them and Their Loved ones too...

*Yawn, Eve, Pass the Popcorn, i've Got More

Sunshine Than DarK to Spread to the Rest of the World
Thank Love That's Real Within With Least Harm to Give and
Share and Care For Free Now; This is My Story, Others May Create

Heaven or HeLL ON EartH too...

Anything Goes With

Human, Hold

On Tight

And Ride the

Wild Toad Wave...

AudaciouSly Heaven for me at least now...

Naked, Complete, Whole, And Enough

And True i Create my Own Garden

Of Eden This Way And Fully

iLLuSTRaTE Every Part oF iT

to SHoW This is ReaLiTy, Mine too With SMiLes...

Fortunately, Modern Technology Provides the Ability to
Create Our Individual Stories this Way as We are Not So
Dependent on Group Think For Survival; Like the Local

Janitor Who Quit His and Or Her Job and Is No Where
To Be Found Or Hired; As They Are Content Creators

On YouTube, Just Filming Themselves Diligently

Cleaning Their Own 3000 Square Foot Homes,

Inspiring Others on YouTube to Clean their

Own, Making 6 Figures From Home this

Way Spitting

On the



Who Ruled them
as Slaves Before;

Yet Really Why Should

They Be Upset over the

Ignorance of THeir Overlords Still Lost...

Yawn, THere is No Room For Any Negativity in REAL Love,

my Hotel is Lit up From the Top to The Bottom oF Free...

Yet Of
i visit
Hell Then

And Now

Yes Just

to Spice

Heaven Up

Now and Then,

To Keep in touch

Where i am Originally From too...

For the Middle Part of my Life False, True...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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Mona Pereth

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21 Nov 2021, 1:21 am

The latest violent rhetoric from a QAnoner in Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia: QAnon Rep. Sparks Backlash After Calling for 'Price of Blood' to 'Restore America' by Evan Brechtel, Second Nexus, Nov. 17, 2021.

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Mona Pereth

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23 Nov 2021, 12:35 am

QAnon & Sovereign Citizens Are Coming for the Child Welfare System

For more about "sovereign citizens," see the Wikipedia article about the Sovereign Citizen Movement.

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Mona Pereth

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27 Mar 2022, 7:40 am

The latest QAnon nonsense, covered in a separate thread here: QAnon Believers Flock to Dallas for the Return of JFK Jr.

At least this obvious foolishness is relatively harmless compared to what I see as the real potential danger of QAnon, namely its potential to turn into another witchhunt along the lines of the "Satanic Ritual Abuse" scare of the 1980's.

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Mona Pereth

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12 Apr 2022, 5:40 am

The QAnon belief system is inspiring some of its adherents to commit murder. See the threads QAnon Surfer Murdered His Children Because “Lizard People” and Man Murders Wife Because of QAnon

Meanwhile, it seems more and more powerful people are believing in this nonsense, including Ginny Thomas (see Q’Anon, Ginny Thomas and the Republicans) and, of course, Majorie Taylor Greene.

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13 Apr 2022, 8:58 pm

QAnon saved my life! I repeat: QAnon saved my life!

In March 2020, when Democrats, bribed by George Soros and swindled by Anthony Fauci, locked down America and took away my social life, I became suicidal! I couldn't deal with the loneliness and the social isolation, and preferred to be dead, rather than life like that for the rest of my life; my state had no concrete lockdown end date. Democrats simply said "it ends when WE say it ends", no ifs, ands, or buts.

So, when I started buying suicide supplies online, I stumbled upon QAnon on social media, and joined their group. They welcomed with open arms! They liked my anti-Democrat rants! And after they felt like they could trust me, they invited me to their party! (Come to think of it, it wasn't much different than breaking into a highly illegal escort service community back in 2005.) It was 2 hours from my home, but I braved the drive. I had such a nice time there---which included French-kissing a woman I met that night---that I had a change of heart about committing suicide. And I'm still alive today. Liberals may resent me, but they can kiss my feces-crusted butt, as I fart in their faces.

I'm still friends with some of the QAnon people I met 2 years ago. And they're one of the friendliest, most welcoming people I had ever met. They love my sardonic, anti-Democrat sense of humor, and texting with them is very uplifting when I'm feeling down.

86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!


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13 Apr 2022, 11:03 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
QAnon saved my life! I repeat: QAnon saved my life!

In March 2020, when Democrats, bribed by George Soros and swindled by Anthony Fauci, locked down America and took away my social life, I became suicidal! I couldn't deal with the loneliness and the social isolation, and preferred to be dead, rather than life like that for the rest of my life; my state had no concrete lockdown end date. Democrats simply said "it ends when WE say it ends", no ifs, ands, or buts.

So, when I started buying suicide supplies online, I stumbled upon QAnon on social media, and joined their group. They welcomed with open arms! They liked my anti-Democrat rants! And after they felt like they could trust me, they invited me to their party! (Come to think of it, it wasn't much different than breaking into a highly illegal escort service community back in 2005.) It was 2 hours from my home, but I braved the drive. I had such a nice time there---which included French-kissing a woman I met that night---that I had a change of heart about committing suicide. And I'm still alive today. Liberals may resent me, but they can kiss my feces-crusted butt, as I fart in their faces.

I'm still friends with some of the QAnon people I met 2 years ago. And they're one of the friendliest, most welcoming people I had ever met. They love my sardonic, anti-Democrat sense of humor, and texting with them is very uplifting when I'm feeling down.

I suspect you could have joined Greenpeace, or a writers group, a pro-wrestling fan club, or any other organization, and have gotten the same results. Human contact is human contact.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Mona Pereth

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14 Apr 2022, 12:15 am

The kinds of groups that are known as "cults" often make a point of being friendly and welcoming. That's a large part of how they win converts, after all. But it certainly doesn't prove that their worldview is correct.

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14 Apr 2022, 4:32 am

I was hoping it was sarcasm.

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14 Apr 2022, 5:36 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
I suspect you could have joined Greenpeace, or a writers group, a pro-wrestling fan club, or any other organization, and have gotten the same results. Human contact is human contact.

Nope! Guess again!

All those groups went "virtual" :roll: or shut down completely. Because "alone together", "stay home save lives", "slow the spread", or some other feel-good crap. Doing anything "virtual" meant worshipping Anthony Fauci. I wanted no part of it! :evil: QAnon was the only group I found that continued to have in-person parties, complete with hugs, handshakes, alcohol, and bowls of good food. (One woman at the party brought a smoked salmon and cream cheese spread with bagel chips, and called it a "super spread". :D The name fit; it was amazingly good!)

Well, I guess I could have joined Antifa, looted my city's downtown, and maybe knocked down a statue or two. Democrats say this doesn't spread Biden-19, so they pay people to loot stores and burn things, and Antifa doesn't require masks or social distancing. But I like QAnon better. We were like Winston and Julia hiding in a room above Mr. Charrington's shop, enjoying freedom from the Thought Police. ("1984" reference.)

Regardless of the alleged wrongs QAnon did, I'll forever be grateful to them for saving my life.

86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!


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14 Apr 2022, 8:51 am

Five Major Claims By QAnon

1) "An Evil Cult Is Ruling the Planet": This claim is not exactly unique to QAnon.  Conspiracies about a ruling-class of evil elites (i.e., the Illuminati, Major-League Baseball, et cetera) have been around for centuries.

2) "Donald Trump Is an American Hero": According to QAnon, the same man whom we all heard say that you should just grab women by their private parts is here to save us from the demented sex offenders.

3) "The Democratic Party Has Sinister Intentions": According to QAnon, the Democrats are significant players in the alleged conspiracy against America.

4) "'They' Want 'Us' Divided": A major rallying point of this conspiracy is that Q's followers are allegedly “united” and “growing”, when in fact QAnon is as factionalized as Christianity.

5) "The Patriots Are in Control": Q is so confident and allegedly so "well-informed" because it is allegedly a “military entity,” allegedly comprised of high-ranking officers.

Note: #5 cannot be true if #1 is also true, unless QAnon itself is both the "Evil Cult" and the "Patriots" to which they refer.


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14 Apr 2022, 3:02 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I suspect you could have joined Greenpeace, or a writers group, a pro-wrestling fan club, or any other organization, and have gotten the same results. Human contact is human contact.

Nope! Guess again!

All those groups went "virtual" :roll: or shut down completely. Because "alone together", "stay home save lives", "slow the spread", or some other feel-good crap. Doing anything "virtual" meant worshipping Anthony Fauci. I wanted no part of it! :evil: QAnon was the only group I found that continued to have in-person parties, complete with hugs, handshakes, alcohol, and bowls of good food. (One woman at the party brought a smoked salmon and cream cheese spread with bagel chips, and called it a "super spread". :D The name fit; it was amazingly good!)

Well, I guess I could have joined Antifa, looted my city's downtown, and maybe knocked down a statue or two. Democrats say this doesn't spread Biden-19, so they pay people to loot stores and burn things, and Antifa doesn't require masks or social distancing. But I like QAnon better. We were like Winston and Julia hiding in a room above Mr. Charrington's shop, enjoying freedom from the Thought Police. ("1984" reference.)

Regardless of the alleged wrongs QAnon did, I'll forever be grateful to them for saving my life.

Or you and your friends could have engaged in a fascistic conspiracy to attack the nation's capitol to overturn a legal election for the sake of a strongman wannabe man-baby.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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14 Apr 2022, 3:41 pm

You get a free horn hat if you join.
It’s lined with tinfoil.

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