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30 May 2015, 6:11 pm

A OECD study conclude that income inequality is bad for economic grow. So the cut in tax and spending hurting the poors that modern governments tend to do? Bad idea!! !


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31 May 2015, 10:50 am

The trouble is the majority of republicans and corporate friendly democrats refuse to acknowledge this other wise they lose money from their rich donors. That money funds their campaigns and keeps them in power. Once they're elected they must rig the system through tax breaks, deregulations, and other things to return the investment. They promise emptily that giving the wealthy more money will bring jobs but you must be stupid to believe that. It's obvious the wealthy are pocketing that money and asking for more and more and more while not caring about this country. It's also obvious that most politicians don't care about us. They only want us to not have money anymore. They will bankrupt everyone, the country, and even the economy if it means the rich can get everything they can get. Everyone will lose their jobs, their homes, their savings, etc. People will be desperate for anything. I fear what may be in store for America next. All of this because of Powell's memo. Greed is a terrible terrible thing and these politicians and corporate businessmen are in denial. The worst part is that some of these politicians happen to be evangelicals. Hypocrites as far as the eyes can see. The bible says to help the poor yet these evangelicals have time and again demonized them. They are out of touch. They don't know how we, the people, really live. The rich have desensitized them. If only we could cut the strings once and for all.

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01 Jun 2015, 6:49 pm

We're in a world of hurt right now.

Sadly to raise wages is to wash it quickly with inflation. To make a certain thing significantly cheaper is to improverish a particular class of worker. To make 'magic money' is to do one of the following or both a) tax people pro-rata by way of inflation b) keep borrowing from China and watch the deficit sore.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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01 Jun 2015, 7:11 pm

The same pay for the same work, regardless of differences in age, color of skin, culture, gender identity or preference, handicap, marital status, politics, religion (or lack thereof), sex (male or female, cis- or trans-) is the best way to handle pay inequality.

However, saying that clerical work and construction work (for example) are the same just so that a fluff-brained receptionist hired for her looks and personality can get paid the same as a civil engineer hired for his education and skills is absurd.

But if anyone wants real equality in pay, just put everyone - from the lowliest trash-picker to the highest-ranking government leader - on Minimum Wage regardless of their ability, education and willingness to work, and regardless of the type of work involved. Only then will income inequality truly be abolished.