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30 Nov 2023, 2:14 pm

I hate misanthropy and the edgelords who think stewing in it makes them insightful or intellectually superior to people who don't share their hatred of humanity.

People who constantly spew negativity and also wouldn't lift a finger to contribute to a more positive world are the worst type of humans around; they have both no desire and no intention of ever attempting to make a positive contribution to humanity and serve as the worst sort of self-righteous dead-weight examples of our species, yet they also feel they possess the moral superiority to complain about others.

That sort of misanthropy is little more than an admission of one's utter failure as a human, rather than some sort of superiority to the people they hate.

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30 Nov 2023, 2:16 pm

I agree.

I try to avoid people who speak ill about humanity in too much depth. Especially when they do it in a superior way as if they are exempt from humanity.


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30 Nov 2023, 2:47 pm

Agreed. It is a dead end to say things like "people are naturally evil" "life is not fair" etc.
I find it fatalistic in a way, to not make an effort to improve negative things.

Also these sort of people somehow tend to ignore the fact that they are also human and not much different than others.


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30 Nov 2023, 6:28 pm

In my opinion when people speak about the nature of people in general they are actually speaking about themselves. I suspect most misanthropes are bad people.

English is not my first language.


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30 Nov 2023, 8:33 pm

I'm not sure if I truly count as a misanthrope. Or maybe I am.
Because I don't like being a human, along with what humans are doing to this world, their limitations and mine.

Am I? :twisted:

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30 Nov 2023, 9:38 pm

Edna3362 wrote:
I'm not sure if I truly count as a misanthrope. Or maybe I am.
Because I don't like being a human, along with what humans are doing to this world, their limitations and mine.

Am I? :twisted:

I think there's all sorts of valid criticisms of humanity, but I've never seen you engage in the sort of whining about how bad humans are while trying to exempt yourself from being part of humanity that blitz and April alluded too, which is the main type of misanthropy I find so frustrating.

I don't think I've seen you try to use hating humanity as an excuse for why people shouldn't care about others, or their hardships; or for why people deserve those situations.

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01 Dec 2023, 2:33 am

funeralxempire wrote:
Edna3362 wrote:
I'm not sure if I truly count as a misanthrope. Or maybe I am.
Because I don't like being a human, along with what humans are doing to this world, their limitations and mine.

Am I? :twisted:

I think there's all sorts of valid criticisms of humanity, but I've never seen you engage in the sort of whining about how bad humans are while trying to exempt yourself from being part of humanity that blitz and April alluded too, which is the main type of misanthropy I find so frustrating.

I don't think I've seen you try to use hating humanity as an excuse for why people shouldn't care about others, or their hardships; or for why people deserve those situations.

Thank you for the observation.

I don't know.
Most misanthropes you've mentioned and I've seen are usually are just a bunch of hung up children who chose hate and anger as a response.

But that's just me projecting; the difference is that they're playing pretend -- limited to their own disappointments over others, and I don't.

Some just radiates enough negativity, that it's either repulsive, provoking or just plain screams "target!! !".

Otherwise I cannot take them seriously as a whole.
It's like their hate and anger are basically "nothing but noise"; no different from children's tantrums.

... Not any less repulsive however. :o

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01 Dec 2023, 4:13 pm

I hate misanthropy, too. It freaks me out sometimes to be honest. When people are okay with and justify the suffering of whole demographics of people, it makes me wonder what else they'd be capable of under the right circumstances, not that such attitudes aren't intrinsically harmful on their own. Most of the misanthropes I've known liked the specific group they were a part of (country, race, religion, etc.) but hated the Other.

The same people often seem to have trouble understanding why others care. It's sort of like they view the groups they like as human and others are less-than-human or something like that. Then they look for stuff to try to demonstrate why their opinion is justified and why no one should care - why it's irrational and even wrong to care.

I can avoid people and conversations like that offline for the most part, but it's a bit harder online.

I don't think I could ever hate people except for those who intentionally harm others and cause injustice in its various forms, but misanthropy causes people not to care about victims which is f*****g disturbing in my opinion. I don't even want evil people to suffer. For this reason, I could never get behind the idea of Hell or prison jokes.

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01 Dec 2023, 5:37 pm

 ! Cornflake wrote:
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There is a special rule set governing behavior in The Haven - see:

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01 Dec 2023, 6:10 pm

Appreciated. Thank you.

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06 Dec 2023, 1:48 am

I've never understood why some people only ever contribute negativity to any social interaction they're a part of.

There's nothing wrong with having complaints, but it's exhausting to deal with people who have nothing but complaints about everything as the entirety of what an interaction with that person will be like.

How do you get to know someone who never shares anything but complaints and how much they hate humans? How does that person ever expect to have positive interactions with others, if they poison the well from the get-go?

If you're constantly miserable, insulting and negative towards everything and utterly devoid of hope, how can you know it's not your personality that makes others dislike you, rather than that they're all big meanie jerkfaces "narcissistic psychopaths" for finding you unbearable?

If all one has to share with others is their misery and scorn, one might have to consider that what they choose to share will influence what they receive in return. Blaming others for that on-going pattern of behaviour is just refusing to take responsibility for one's actions and expressed attitudes.

It seems like a vicious circle, but one where responsibility ultimately rests with the bitter misanthrope. It's like filling your piggy bank with s**t and then complaining that your piggy bank only ever has s**t in it. Stop only offering s**t and maybe you'll get more than s**t back. Stop blaming others (who often are no longer part of your life) for how you treat people now; how you treat people is a you issue, not an other people issue.

Yes, we all carry trauma, but most of us don't insist on making it everyone else's problem in every single interaction. A handful of bad experiences with people isn't an excuse to be absol-fuckin-lutely unbearable for the rest of your life to all sorts of people who never had anything to do with that initial trauma, and not constantly being antagonistic might help save you from future trauma that will result from not understanding why people are constantly tired of your s**t.

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06 Dec 2023, 12:36 pm

Personally I respect someone who hates everyone equally much more than I do those who target any specific group with their prejudice and hatred, and that includes the people who think that hating only white straight men is fine (which has become the new "in" thing obviously).

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06 Dec 2023, 12:45 pm

About the title of your post: "thin line between love and hate". Love and hate are similar in that when you love or hate something or someone, you think about it a lot.

It is not possible to measure quality or morality. "The worst type" could be any "type". Anyone could correctly define anything as the worst or the best

Not everyone defines and measures success and failure the same way. Nobody is perfect. It seems to me that nobody always succeeds at everything. However if someone were always successful at their goals, then they should write harder goals.

Which goals are justified or good: also completely subjective

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07 Dec 2023, 11:14 am

Same for when people complain about how bad the world is. Bad compared to what? This is the only world that we know of that exists. You can't really compare it to some idealistic fantasy-land because those don't exist and never will.

Don't get me wrong-there are some people who live in horrible circumstances. But you really can't pass a value judgment on the world as a whole when there is no alternative


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07 Dec 2023, 8:40 pm

Seems to me like there's a lot of victim blaming going on in this thread...

I think in a sane world people would show some compassion for those of us who are disillusioned with humans for whatever reason because that sort of mindset stems from depression.

But again, we don't seem to live in a sane world.

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07 Dec 2023, 10:24 pm

I was misanthropic for a few years. It was a bad time in my life. My body was starting to break, no one knew why and I was in pain 24/7. That happened at the start of my major burnout episode. On top of being physically shot, I was heading there psychologically to...real fast. I was crashing and burning hard and had zero help. The people in my life gave me crap about it all and made it so much worse. I didn't like myself during that time as much as I disliked everyone around me. Everywhere I looked all I saw was misery, pain, horrible people treating each other like dirt. I saw no hope for humanity and no hope for myself. I saw no good anywhere I looked. I was projecting my internal reality outwards. I finally ended up getting some psych help and as I got myself better, I started being able to see good around me.

My reasons for doing that, for being misanthropic had no basis in being edgy or superior. It all had to do with my discontent in my own skin and in my own life. It can be hard to see good when your reality is nothing but hell. Not saying everyone who is misanthropic feels that way, I'm no mind reader so I don't know why others do it, but when I see people who act like that I assume they come from a similar place...that it's because life has kicked their a** one too many times and they fold and toss in their cards. It's hard for me to think it comes from a different spot, but I do struggle to see things outside of my own head. Understanding people has never been my strong suit.

I don't hate it when I see it. I figure the person needs mental health help. I also don't put up with it in my life. People who are constantly negative stress me out and I have no room in my life for that stuff all the time. I'll hear people out if they're having a rough go, but pull that on me all the time every time without even trying to make improvements? Nah. I walk away from those types of people these days.