Are Autistic people more/less likely to be bad/evil?

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Emu Egg
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22 Jun 2017, 3:09 am

There are good and bad people, regardless of whether they are Autistic/NT. However, I would say that most Autistics are good people. They are honest and caring. I think that sometimes people fear Autistics because they do not understand their behavior. I consider myself to be a good person overall but sometimes people seem to fear me also even though I have done nothing to them. The assumption that most Autistics are violent is false. Overall, I would say that Autistics are less likely to be bad/evil and more likely to be good people. I have never met an Autistic who struck me as evil.


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22 Jun 2017, 5:18 am


I would be a poor Bond villain.

"That saves me a lot of explains toon Mr Bond." "Much better I have shot you dead than explained my plan for world domination."
"Sorry Mr Bond. I'm just not a people person or team player"

Snowy Owl
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25 Jun 2017, 11:27 pm

I can be fairly empathetic but often don't know how to best display it in a manner that would help the other person without ending up being jumped on as if I did something wrong. Also I had my empathy abused making it much less likely for me to show it unless I know the person very well.

One person that has abused my empathy is my current girlfriend. When I would listen to her tell me all her woes & try my best to understand her she would start attacking everthing, this would go for an hour or more, during all this time start with general dissatisfaction with everything first the country then the state then the city then her friends & then finally start attacking me the listener.

Eventually I started shortening my listening to her trying to avoid having to listen to her attacks on me but she moved more quickly to that part of the conversation. I got to the point I didn't want to listen to her at all because it was always the the same thing eventually.

Eventually she woke up to the fact that I wouldn't talk with her for the most part anymore & she largely stopped attacking me, not completely but it is much improved. Unfortunately I'm still very much gun shy when it comes to conversing with her as she still goes on the attack from time to time. I can rarely tell when it is going to happen. Sometimes I go for somewhat long periods without talking with her at all.

Sometimes I shut down completely with the exception of doing what is necessary to survive i.e. eat, sleep, work so on & on rare occasions not even that. Sometimes I wish I could die so this stuff would end. Not that I'm going to kill myself even though often when I'm by myself I often blirt that out, often this after some embarassing mistake that I made. I seriously considered & acted on it several years ago but not recently. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to actually do that. The blirting that out I believe is because of a mild case of tourettes syndrome combined with myoclonus. Fortunately I haven't blirted that out in the company of anyone at least not where they heard it.

Through this all I tried to show empathy at least until it was so badly abused that at least with that person it became nearly impossible for me to do so. It robbed me of all my energy to try to do so with them & there was no joy in it. I felt very tired after these episodes & it was all I could do was to go to bed & sleep it off assuming I could in fact get to sleep because even though I felt tired my mind would often ruminate on the things said & they wouldn't let me sleep.

My longest near complete shut down lasted a little over a month & had a complete shutdown for two weeks where I didn't even eat drink & barely even talked to any body at all. I even quit my job. Fortunately I was able to get the job back.


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28 Jun 2017, 12:09 am

My grandfather had aspergers, even more than I did, and he was a good man. I don't think any of it makes you bad, but I think attempting to synch to NT social metrics will... the more i retrospectively look back at my up bringing, the most grief came from the more rigged side of my mom's family, where Dad's side, the aspie side, was more warm patient... I miss them...


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28 Jun 2017, 12:15 am

I consider myself to be a kind and caring person. I can merely seem distant and distinterested as there's often too much going on at once for me to take in what other people are saying.

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08 May 2020, 12:35 pm

And there are criminals who are also honest and have empathy and remorse at the same time


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08 May 2020, 1:36 pm

FranzOren wrote:
And there are criminals who are also honest and have empathy and remorse at the same time
Yes. There are criminals who suck at being criminals because they have empathy, honesty, and remorse. So they don't last in the criminal business long.


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08 May 2020, 1:42 pm

You people do realize that you are just perpetuating the myth that "Autistic people have no soul, and are therefore evil", don't you?  Except for posts like this one:

lostonearth35 wrote:
Autistic people are no more or less evil than NTs, but autistic people are more likely to become victims of violence. And when you're bullied, trolled, and hated for things you harmlessly enjoy just because they're "cringey" your whole life, then is it really any wonder that it would mess a even an NT person up in the head? ...
This whole thread should have been "Godwinned" from the start.

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08 May 2020, 9:19 pm

As person with milder form of Pervasive Developmental Disorder with history of mental health crisis.

Governments and other facility related to medical subjects, keeps putting general description that people with ASD are more likely to be victims of perpetrators, I however think that people with mild forms of ASD are more likely to perpetrate than a profoundly developmentally delayed population, because the more mild your symptoms of developmental delay becomes, the more you are you are less likely prone to be victim and more likely to be perpetrate compare to people with profound symptoms of developmental delay.

Because symptoms of developmental disorders comes from profound to mild person with history of developmental delay with almost to normal state of mind

based on my opinion but may contain facts, although it is true that people with history of developmental delays and mental disorders are more likely to be victims of perpetrators than being a perpetrators themselves, it is because of severe form of developmental disorders, people with milder forms of developmental disorders and mental disorders are more likely to be perpetrators than a person with moderate to profound and very, very severe form of developmental disorders, because anyone with severe disorders are not able to function as very well in the nature and might have a learning issues that prevents a person from committing most crimes or prevent a person from breaking the laws at all.

I assume that there are people with very rare form of developmental disorder with symptoms of conduct disorder NPD and APD with psychotic features that can make him or her to make bad choices that may lead to criminal acts

My symptoms of Pervasive Developmental Disorder is mild to the point where I am able to do things that involves social skills, have all the skills to be like a psychopath ( as I developed all the social skills by getting special education) and because I don't have trouble with social skills at all anymore, I am more likely to commit crimes than a profoundly developmentally delayed population.

Just because I have Pervasive Developmental Disorder, doesn't mean that I am not capable of of being a perpetrator, especially because my symptoms of developmental delays are now very mild


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08 May 2020, 9:20 pm

I don't have trouble with social skills at all anymore, even though I do have history of developmental delay and reports that in childhood and early adolescents that I had developmentally delayed milestones and delusional prospective of myself that is part of developmental delay


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08 May 2020, 9:49 pm

am thinking in alot of instances it maybe a version of nature vs nurture/ Environmental effects as well as chosen peer pressure ,, but this is only addressing a portion of the Autistic populace.
If ones mindset and degree of developmental situations are just so , It is just not worthwhile or even very effective aspiration . To go a criminal route. Life by itself can be a serious issue to , overcome ? ( to deal with) . What values are introduced to a being at a early age? When a person manifests as Naive , it would seem . a great portion of the less than desireable people , See this as a opportunity to manipulate towards bad endings . IMHO

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10 May 2020, 12:24 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
In my life, I have known autistic people who lack empathy, and "neurotypical" people who were quite empathetic.

Why did you post this?

Was it a typo, and you meant it the other way around?


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10 May 2020, 12:37 pm

will@rd wrote:
sun.flower wrote:
Those with autism are far more likely to be victims of bad behavior than perpetrators.

Yup. I found this especially amusing watching Ben Affleck in The Accountant. Affleck's performance was spot-on, as an autistic adult, but the overall notion of an autistic John Wick was just ridiculous.

I can believe an autistic person being obsessed with firearms and even being a crack shot, but someone with overwhelming hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli being able to wade through a hail of gunfire and hand grenades and defeat multiple attackers - gimme a break. :roll:

And the notion the character's father had "If light and sound are painful to him, he needs more, not less." What a dick. Immersion Therapy does not work. And you could not force an autistic kid to become a proficient martial arts master. it would only result in meltdowns and hatred. Now if he chose to pursue it as an obsessive interest, maybe. But the likelihood of his becoming Bruce Lee - slim to none.

sun.flower wrote:
via Karla McLaren on Autism sensitivity,
painful hypersensitivity
The following are normal everyday behaviors among neurotypicals: lying about their feelings; avoiding sensitive subjects that are glaringly obvious; leaving important words unsaid; pretending to like things they don’t like; pretending they’re not feeling an emotion that they’re clearly feeling; using language to hide, obscure, and skirt crucial issues; attacking people who frighten them without ever realizing they’re full of fear; stopping all forward progress on a project without ever realizing they’re full of anger and grief; and claiming that they are being rational when huge steamy clouds of emotion are pouring out of them. Neurotypicals are often emotionally exhausting.

And here’s the big ugly secret: Neurotypical behavior isn’t empathic — in fact, it’s often counter-empathic and filled with noise, static, emotional absurdity, and confusion.

But even amidst all of this static and confusion, many of my autistic friends were achingly, scathingly aware of the social world around them. I mean hilariously, dead-on aware, if you would only listen to them. In fact, they were as uncommonly aware of the social world as some of my wildly empathic friends were. What I saw in these people was not a lack of empathy, but a difficulty in dealing with an often-overwhelming sensory onslaught, from the outside world, from their struggle to decipher neurotypical social absurdities, and from inside their own brains. (empaths on the autism spectrum part 1)
My autistic friends were incredibly sensitive to sounds (especially very quiet sounds that many neurotypicals can ignore), colors, patterns, vibrations, scents, the wind, movement (their own and that of the people around them), the feeling of their clothing, the sound of their own hair and their breathing, food, touch, numbers, animals, social space, social behavior, electronics, the movement of traffic, the movement of trees and birds, ideas, music, juxtapositions between voice and body movements, the bizarre, emotion-masking signaling neurotypicals call “normal behavior” … many of my friends were struggling to stand upright in turbulent and unmanageable currents of incoming stimuli that could not be stopped, bargained with, ignored, moderated, or organized.

In short, my autistic friends were overwhelmingly, intensely, unremittingly, outrageously empathic — not merely in relation to emotions and social cues, but to every possible aspect of their environment.
Being on the Spectrum is a very difficult thing when the world around you — with its constant noise, confusion, emotional inconsistency, and demands for attention — is built for neurotypicals who aren’t aware that everything is engineered for their comfort.
The lack of awareness neurotypicals have — their blind acceptance of their world “the way it is,” without concern for the needs of others — is called privilege in sociology. For example, a young white man who lives in Northern California in 2011 and states that racism is no longer a problem is speaking from the ignorance of racial privilege. He may not be cruel or inherently racist himself, but from his social location, he cannot see or experience any direct racism; therefore, he mistakenly infers that racism doesn’t exist. Privilege is a form of mind-blindness that is, sadly, absolutely common in neurotypicals.
Neurotypical privilege relies upon the same unaware and insufficient reasoning as racial privilege does: So if I don’t experience the sound of the dryer next door as being extremely loud, then it shouldn’t bother you, and you certainly shouldn’t start rocking, flapping your hands, hitting yourself, or pulling out strands of your hair in order to deal with the aural overload. Or, if you know two people who have been fighting for months on end, and you clearly understand all of the issues that they’ve been ignoring, then you should never, ever speak aloud about it, because that’s not how we do things! It’s rude! Wake up and act like a neurotypical!

What? Ouch! This “normal” social behavior — this insensitive and emotionally incongruent behavior — is only deemed normal because neurotypicals agree that it is. Neurotypical social behavior isn’t objectively correct or better than any other way …. in fact, neurotypical functioning is tremendously problematic, and as I wrote above, it is often deeply unempathic as well.
Neurotypicals who learn to manage in the social world aren’t displaying signs of superior mind-sight, functioning mirror neurons, or a healthy dose of empathy. Neurotypicals — for whom mind-blindness and a lack of empathy are common, everyday behaviors — learn to manage because the neurotypical social world was created by them and for them.

Hear! Hear!

Amazing insights....... well written and i believe spot on !
(have seen bill hicks name before but only on the net)

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10 May 2020, 12:43 pm

FranzOren wrote:
And there are criminals who are also honest and have empathy and remorse at the same time

Was this written as a oxymoron intentionally or am i misinterpeting the writing in this post .

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10 May 2020, 12:52 pm

I listed my job title as "Evil Genius" on Facebook. Does that count?

It ain't easy being me, but someone's gotta do it.


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10 May 2020, 1:00 pm

old_comedywriter wrote:
I listed my job title as "Evil Genius" on Facebook. Does that count?

'Just another Rock in the wall ',, Lyric from Pink floyd song. :D

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