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Does it bother you when people touch your stuff?
Yes 72%  72%  [ 13 ]
No 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
Sometimes 22%  22%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 18

Emu Egg
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26 Jun 2021, 11:46 pm

I feel bad posting this, because the events of today where purely done for my "benefit". My parents came over for a house project, and there was times when only one of them needed to do something, so they started helping with some other housework. They touched everything... moved this, gone though that, decided certain items needed refrigeration... It's enough to drive my NT wife nuts, but I've been.... unsettled since. I've had trouble leaving my "lair" in the basement since. I mean, it's nice having clean counters, and getting help with some other items... but I just wish they didn't have to move everything around.

Advise? Similar Experiences?

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27 Jun 2021, 12:13 am

Similar experiences? Damn yes. And worse.

In fact, in my case, might as well be chronic than an eventual thing.

On top of wasting a lot of money on curtains and blankets for almost every 2 months, because it'll just being shat at by the dog downstairs. :x

Advice? I wish.

I don't even have my own room.
All I have was a small cabinet and some space under the bed and is unsecured, constantly get invaded.
Nor own a quarter of stuff and never touched it -- yet people expects to clean it up as well. :roll: On top of touching and messing with my stuff. :evil:

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27 Jun 2021, 2:10 am

epl wrote:
I feel bad posting this, because the events of today where purely done for my "benefit". My parents came over for a house project, and there was times when only one of them needed to do something, so they started helping with some other housework. They touched everything... moved this, gone though that, decided certain items needed refrigeration... It's enough to drive my NT wife nuts, but I've been.... unsettled since. I've had trouble leaving my "lair" in the basement since. I mean, it's nice having clean counters, and getting help with some other items... but I just wish they didn't have to move everything around.

Advise? Similar Experiences?

I mean I'd be livid if I had one of my parents over, if they tried to criticize how I live. It's my life now so yeah if they want to visit in my space they better not try to tell me how to be. I mean lol if I have family over me and my boyfriend may have to tone down some of our err...things we'd get up to when they are not around. But other than that like my mom better not try and criticize I smoke out of a bong I'm 31 I don't need my mom trying to tell me why I shouldn't smoke pot especially when I have got my med card so like I litterally have a card saying I qualify to use marijuana as medicine and she still I don't think actually believes it could be a legit medication. But if she does try to talk me out of smoking pot, I do now have a card I can pull out that says I can legitimately use marijuana as medication. And be like 'hey, its doctors orders, they approved this' also every psych med I tried like prescribed ones caused so much crazy horrible side effects....and they say street drugs are the bad ones, well cant say I ever had a bad of experience with street LSD or MDA or even cocaine that caused such adverse reactions as actual psych drugs. like honestly trying all those other drugs I was even vaguely disappointed they did not actually match the fictional depictions I had seen about doing drugs. Like the psych drugs were more like that but in a bad way...marijuana is nice and mellow and using that you can experience your sober self but if during that you start getting to anxious you can smoke a bowl and it chills it all out I for sure prefer just having weed as a back up if I start feeling overwhelmed or whatever but yeah i donn't want to be constantly on a drug...which seems to be the way a lot of psych meds work like if you take it, it will be having its effect 24/7 and well it makes me feel weird if I don't get to come back to just who I am without drugs you know. I mean sure I like getting high on drugs, but I have also done drugs to just not feel things I guess in a way I was lucky I tried to do that with shrooms, because it is an introspective drug that made it impossible to avoid the self confrontation of 'are you sure you are using all these shrooms lately for the right reason or just running away from things' Like that is a thought I had while tripping on said shrooms it's like even the shrooms were telling me to get my s**t together at least a bit, and I mean it has taken some years but I mean I actually am in a better place than I was years ago when I still was obsessing about the mistakes I made in that druggy period of my life.

We won't go back.

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27 Jun 2021, 9:22 am

Advice? After they're gone, go around and "fix" everything. Put it back where it belongs.

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27 Jun 2021, 2:27 pm

Phone them up dozens of times over the next few days asking where they left various things. If they don't know, tell them their record-keeping is crap
I have never had that problem, but I had a friend who, as a prank, would quickly hide a tool someone had been using. For me, the biggest hazard is people breaking things they don't know enough about.


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27 Jun 2021, 4:24 pm

I see them as having rather a cheek to interfere like that. Parents do sometimes have trouble letting go of the control they have over their kids. I can see how they meshed it all up with good intentions, but it's your stuff, and I doubt they'd have done such a thing to their peers. Even when my son was a young child, I tended to respect his stuff.

I can still barely cope even when my wife moves things. I was used to living alone and knowing that everything would stay exactly where I left it. There's a lot of "helping out round the house" jobs that I find myself not doing because I don't want to move her stuff. I try to do as I would be done by. To me, other people's stuff is sacred, so if I must pick something up, I make sure I put it back where it was. In my experience guests usually seem to have the same ethic. But I suppose some people have less of a problem meddling in other people's affairs. Come to think of it, during a previous marriage, the parents of that wife used to interfere a lot. They didn't usually move stuff but they didn't have much respect for our ways, and kept trying to run things.

I often used to get my stuff into a muddle, and there was a suggestion for me to hire somebody to tidy it up. I wouldn't do it. There's no earthly way anybody else could know how to do that job to my liking. I'm the only one who can decide what I throw away, what I keep, and where I want to keep it. I'm not good at that, but other people are even worse at it. It's too personal.

Anyway, unless the social standards are very different where you are, I would think your problem is overbearing parents.


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27 Jun 2021, 4:41 pm

A friend of mine gave up on her marriage when she had to move some piles of papers to service the baby. Her husband couldn't handle the loss of information in the arrangement. I strongly suspect that he was an undiagnosed aspie, and that she subsequently gave me a hard time, trying to prevail in a similar relationship.

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27 Jun 2021, 5:12 pm

epl wrote:
I feel bad posting this, because the events of today where purely done for my "benefit". My parents came over for a house project, and there was times when only one of them needed to do something, so they started helping with some other housework. They touched everything... moved this, gone though that, decided certain items needed refrigeration... It's enough to drive my NT wife nuts, but I've been.... unsettled since. I've had trouble leaving my "lair" in the basement since. I mean, it's nice having clean counters, and getting help with some other items... but I just wish they didn't have to move everything around.

Advise? Similar Experiences?

I believe I have had some similar experiences though I cannot remember one. But I can almost relate. I like things to stay the way they are or as they are, sometimes during certain time periods, even if it's not my stuff! I mean one time Fall 2009, my mother took out all the CDs from the CD racks so she could put the songs on her computer. I didn't like that and so after Fall 2009 was over, I took the CDs back out of their racks and rearranged them!

I also did have trouble with little kids, well kids younger than me touching my stuff, I was more worried about them breaking my stuff, but sometimes I got in trouble for that, I was just trying to protect my things but I guess sometimes I was selfish!

I can still have some of these problems, especially if my OCD is running high or I'm in a time period that feels bad and unbearable or if I feel my life is messed up, like when I'm suffering from depression, high anxiety, or whatever.

Advice. I don't have good advice per say, but perhaps put things back the way they were as was said above by Double Retired! Or talk kindly and calmly but firmly to your parents and ask, or even tell them politely, not to move your things. They may mean well but in your home even your parents have to follow your rules! Still respect them, but they have to respect you too!

I hope this helps!


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27 Jun 2021, 5:18 pm

That exact thing doesnt bother me. Hire a maid to help clean up the place. She has slightly different ideas where things belong. So I have to look for things.

What bothers me is when you're out shopping with someone, and the someone your with kinda just throws merchandise at the check out person thinking it helping the check out person move faster when in fact it slows them down- because the cash register person needs space to first grab each item, find the bar code, then scan the bar code, and then bag the item, in an assembly line process, one at a time, until the pile of stuff is all rung up and bagged.

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27 Jun 2021, 6:43 pm

TimmyTurnerFan1 wrote:
I also did have trouble with little kids, well kids younger than me touching my stuff, I was more worried about them breaking my stuff, but sometimes I got in trouble for that, I was just trying to protect my things but I guess sometimes I was selfish!
Groan. I'm the eldest child of four. I understand!

I used to think they should have two ages listed on toys and games. The age of the target audience, of the kids that can successfully use it. And also the minimum age of younger siblings that it could withstand! ("You need to be 12-years old to understand the game, and the game pieces are expected to survive children over the age of 4.")

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27 Jun 2021, 6:46 pm

^^ I knew a guy who was still destroying anything he could in middle age, and children who were very careful.


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27 Jun 2021, 6:56 pm

This is one of the major reasons why I live in my own house. Nothing gets touched. Its bliss. I wish this joy for everyone who needs it.

I wanted to add to the OP - you should not feel bad about not wanting what people are doing as a "favor" for you.
If someone wants to do you a kindness - they should ASK first what kindnesses you want!