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Mountain Goat

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22 Sep 2020, 6:09 pm

ironpony wrote:
The BLM is portrayed by the media all the time as anti-Trump, and for Joe Biden, but I thought that BLM was about black lives matter and wanting justice for brutality against black people. Since Trump doesn't have anything to with that, why does it matter if a BLM is pro-Trump or not?

That's like saying well if you are a Christian, you can only vote for a certain leader, or something like that, for example.

Unless I am wrong and the BLM has a rule that you cannot vote for Trump?

I see where you are coming from. (I don't know much about USA politics but I see the principle you are raising).

I always thought that what the press said just before Mr Obama became your president, that because he was black, he is going to get the black vote (Meaning the majority of black voters would vote for him because he was also black).

Now this type of thinking is foundationally flawed and is actually a major insult to the intelligence of black people because it implies they will vote because the candidate shares their same skin colour and they are not voting for what the candidate stands for. (In other words, Mr Obama could have stood for anything and they would have voted him in which is not true. (If it was true USA would be in deeeep trouble!) I am not criticising those who were black and voted for Mr Obama. I am saying that only the ones who were gullable would have voted because he shared their skin colour as most black people are pretty intelligent so would have wanted to hear what he said and stood for before they decided to vote).

But going back to the origional question and I do not see why someone would not vote for President Trump because Black Lives Matter was not based on politics. It was based on bringing attention to what they saw was police discrimination, so regardless of whichever party was in and whoever was president when this happened, they would have protested in the same way to make themselves heard.

It was actually shocking their behaviour though and I am relieved to find that not all black people behave like that! Sadly it is always going to be a minority who bring great shame on the majority with their behaviour.

But why would a black person not vote for your current president if he or she agreed with your presidents policies and was satisfied that he had done all he could to follow them?

You see, to me making assumptions based on popular press "Oppinions" assumes that BLM voters lack the intelligence to think for themselves.

We had a very similar situation here in the UK just before and when Margaret Thatcher came into power as I remember the press saying things like she became our new primeminister because she was voted in by women. The press just did not know what they were talking about and they were insulting womens intelligence by saying this at the time.



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22 Sep 2020, 6:32 pm

emotrtkey wrote:
Just because their slogan says BLM doesn't mean they care about black lives. Over 7,000 blacks are killed every year in homicides but BLM only appears concerned about the 1 or 2 who are killed by police. I looked at their history and they appear to be a Marxist group with a goal to replace capitalism with communism. People supporting BLM destroyed black owned businesses while rioting which tells me they don't really care about black people.

If they hate America and want a revolution, they can't be pro-Trump since Trump is a patriotic American who loves America and supports what's best for America and all Americans. BTW, every pro-Trump person I know believes black lives matter. They're just opposed to Marxism.

A patriotic american wouldn't tell people to vote twice in the election like Trump did. Also I don't feel like he supports what is best for all americans, I feel like he is calling people like me enemies of the state. The constant bombardment of 'radical liberals', 'liberal terrorists'....or from his base 'those liberals'...'they should all get brutalized by the police rawr.' As someone who identifies as liberal it really kind of feels like he is more telling me to f**k off than 'hey I care about all amercians even the ones I disagree with'. At least Biden isn't saying all that divisive sort of crap, last I heard he was using some campaign funds to fly out to red states and campaign...because he actually does care about all americans.

Also BLM is about systematic racism in this country, so I am skeptical that they are specifically pro -'marxist' perhaps more socialist leaning but marxism is a lot more specific than that. That said I don't think BLM is about any specific government/economic system they are specifically protesting systematic racism as far as I know.

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22 Sep 2020, 7:46 pm

ironpony wrote:
Oh okay, but you would think that the BLM would be more republican though, because the BLM hates the government for what they have done, so why would they want to rely on a government they don't like to make changes? Therefore you think the BLM would be more republican and not want government involvement.

As for Trump being a racist, what did he do that was racist? I'm not American so I don't follow the politics as much, but am just wanting to know more about the situation :).

The whole birther nonsense that had been the cornerstone of Trump's political career was entirely racist.
The racist right has endorsed Trump from the beginning, and continues to. Trump has not done anything seriously disavow them.
Now, he was recently at a rally in Minnesota where he praised the predominantly white population of north European stock for their "great genes." The implication being, if their genes are so great, then the genes of others must be inferior.
He's made light of the call to end police brutality, coming up with the pretext that black football players kneeling during the anthem to protest the killing and harassment of black Americans was an act of disloyalty, rather than trying to understand the player's standpoint.
He surrounded himself with white nationalists like Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon who were behind blatantly racist immigration policies, as well as the dehumanizing policies used against undocumented immigrants from Spanish speaking countries.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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22 Sep 2020, 8:23 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
emotrtkey wrote:
Just because their slogan says BLM doesn't mean they care about black lives. Over 7,000 blacks are killed every year in homicides but BLM only appears concerned about the 1 or 2 who are killed by police. I looked at their history and they appear to be a Marxist group with a goal to replace capitalism with communism. People supporting BLM destroyed black owned businesses while rioting which tells me they don't really care about black people.

If they hate America and want a revolution, they can't be pro-Trump since Trump is a patriotic American who loves America and supports what's best for America and all Americans. BTW, every pro-Trump person I know believes black lives matter. They're just opposed to Marxism.

A patriotic american wouldn't tell people to vote twice in the election like Trump did.

The media lied to you. They've been lying about Trump for years. Patriots don't spread propaganda like the Democrat party and their lying media organizations.

Here's what Trump actually said:
"if you get the unsolicited ballots, send it in and then go make sure it counted, and then if it doesn’t tabulate, you vote. You just vote. And then if they tabulate it very late, which they shouldn’t be doing, they’ll see you voted and so it won’t count." ... -carolina/

The Democrat party has a history of deceit and voter fraud. Trump wanted to make sure people's votes counted.

Also I don't feel like he supports what is best for all americans, I feel like he is calling people like me enemies of the state. The constant bombardment of 'radical liberals', 'liberal terrorists'....or from his base 'those liberals'...'they should all get brutalized by the police rawr.' As someone who identifies as liberal it really kind of feels like he is more telling me to f**k off than 'hey I care about all amercians even the ones I disagree with'.

When Trump and most of his supporters talk about radical liberals they're talking about the liberal elite (Democrat politicians and their wealthy supporters in positions of power) and their anti-American policies. Many of their policies make people feel good and think they're tolerant and pro-diversity but it's propaganda used to deceive people into supporting their radical policies that seek to destroy families, morality, and religion which are the foundation of a well functioning civilized society so that people will turn to the government for solutions. They want power and control. If you study history, you'll see they're following the same playbook as the communists in China, the USSR, and other countries.

At least Biden isn't saying all that divisive sort of crap, last I heard he was using some campaign funds to fly out to red states and campaign...because he actually does care about all americans.

That's what Biden and his handlers want you to believe. They're wolves in sheep's clothing. It's easy for Biden because he doesn't say much but Hillary couldn't help herself and called good patriotic Americans deplorable because they didn't agree with liberal ideology.

Also BLM is about systematic racism in this country, so I am skeptical that they are specifically pro -'marxist' perhaps more socialist leaning but marxism is a lot more specific than that. That said I don't think BLM is about any specific government/economic system they are specifically protesting systematic racism as far as I know.

What exactly is systematic racism? Can anyone define it? All I've heard are vague descriptions that can't be verified. Is there any evidence or statistics to back up claims that it's occurring? Most people killed by police are white and 90% of interracial crimes involve black perpetrators and white victims. It doesn't seem that way because the Democrat controlled media is lying to you. They make every black victim national news while ignoring almost every white victim of crime because they have an agenda to push. They're trying to divide Americans based on race and class to turn us against each other just like the communists did in other countries. If you listen to Trump's actual words, instead of the media's twisted version of them, you'll see Trump wants to unite us and bring us together.


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22 Sep 2020, 9:29 pm

emotrtkey wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
emotrtkey wrote:
Just because their slogan says BLM doesn't mean they care about black lives. Over 7,000 blacks are killed every year in homicides but BLM only appears concerned about the 1 or 2 who are killed by police. I looked at their history and they appear to be a Marxist group with a goal to replace capitalism with communism. People supporting BLM destroyed black owned businesses while rioting which tells me they don't really care about black people.

If they hate America and want a revolution, they can't be pro-Trump since Trump is a patriotic American who loves America and supports what's best for America and all Americans. BTW, every pro-Trump person I know believes black lives matter. They're just opposed to Marxism.

A patriotic american wouldn't tell people to vote twice in the election like Trump did.

The media lied to you. They've been lying about Trump for years. Patriots don't spread propaganda like the Democrat party and their lying media organizations.

Here's what Trump actually said:
"if you get the unsolicited ballots, send it in and then go make sure it counted, and then if it doesn’t tabulate, you vote. You just vote. And then if they tabulate it very late, which they shouldn’t be doing, they’ll see you voted and so it won’t count." ... -carolina/

The Democrat party has a history of deceit and voter fraud. Trump wanted to make sure people's votes counted.

Also I don't feel like he supports what is best for all americans, I feel like he is calling people like me enemies of the state. The constant bombardment of 'radical liberals', 'liberal terrorists'....or from his base 'those liberals'...'they should all get brutalized by the police rawr.' As someone who identifies as liberal it really kind of feels like he is more telling me to f**k off than 'hey I care about all amercians even the ones I disagree with'.

When Trump and most of his supporters talk about radical liberals they're talking about the liberal elite (Democrat politicians and their wealthy supporters in positions of power) and their anti-American policies. Many of their policies make people feel good and think they're tolerant and pro-diversity but it's propaganda used to deceive people into supporting their radical policies that seek to destroy families, morality, and religion which are the foundation of a well functioning civilized society so that people will turn to the government for solutions. They want power and control. If you study history, you'll see they're following the same playbook as the communists in China, the USSR, and other countries.

At least Biden isn't saying all that divisive sort of crap, last I heard he was using some campaign funds to fly out to red states and campaign...because he actually does care about all americans.

That's what Biden and his handlers want you to believe. They're wolves in sheep's clothing. It's easy for Biden because he doesn't say much but Hillary couldn't help herself and called good patriotic Americans deplorable because they didn't agree with liberal ideology.

Also BLM is about systematic racism in this country, so I am skeptical that they are specifically pro -'marxist' perhaps more socialist leaning but marxism is a lot more specific than that. That said I don't think BLM is about any specific government/economic system they are specifically protesting systematic racism as far as I know.

What exactly is systematic racism? Can anyone define it? All I've heard are vague descriptions that can't be verified. Is there any evidence or statistics to back up claims that it's occurring? Most people killed by police are white and 90% of interracial crimes involve black perpetrators and white victims. It doesn't seem that way because the Democrat controlled media is lying to you. They make every black victim national news while ignoring almost every white victim of crime because they have an agenda to push. They're trying to divide Americans based on race and class to turn us against each other just like the communists did in other countries. If you listen to Trump's actual words, instead of the media's twisted version of them, you'll see Trump wants to unite us and bring us together.

Well the republican party is making no signs that they actually care about diversity. Also we are supposed to have freedom of I don't care about religion and actually we are supposed to have separation of church and state. I am a satanist so morality/religion arguments wont sway me, everyone should have the freedom to practice their religion unless it harms others that is where I stand on religion.

Also based on what trump said even in your quote, that he is giving false twice is like a felony its not if you send a second one they just don't count it...its you could get charged with a felony if you vote twice. Like this is bad advice for his supporters if you have sent in a mail ballot you should NOT vote in person. He is going to get at least a number of his base arrested and charged with felonies for that advice.

Hillary was referring to people that are actual deplorables, not all of the right wingers...(still I feel it was not a good way to word it).

And systematic racism, well I saw a video that seemed to give a good example....police stopping a black business owner in his own store. Wasn't until a white neighbor confirmed he was the business owner did the police leave him alone. Apparently he was in his own store too late at would they have stopped a white buisiness owner that way, not sure.

Also the democrats do not own the media, if that was the case fox news would have already been shut down, plenty of the news leans more right. That said I usually look at the BBC, aljazeera and local news but I do take a peek at the more mainstream american news and as far as I can tell there is plenty of both right wing and left wing bias to go around at least twice around the earth.

If trump wants to unite us and bring us together perhaps he should stop saying such hateful crap and stop encouraging his supporters to go out and intimidate people by showing up armed with assault rifles for protests. Honestly it feels more like join trump or die. Trump is the divisive one, I don't feel I am a part of the America Trump envisions...I have autism I can't work full time, what is he and his administration going to do to help me? that the democrats won't? Like what is it that I should look forward to in a trump america? Here is your chance to sell your candidate to me.

We won't go back.


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22 Sep 2020, 10:37 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Well the republican party is making no signs that they actually care about diversity. Also we are supposed to have freedom of I don't care about religion and actually we are supposed to have separation of church and state. I am a satanist so morality/religion arguments wont sway me, everyone should have the freedom to practice their religion unless it harms others that is where I stand on religion.

Also based on what trump said even in your quote, that he is giving false twice is like a felony its not if you send a second one they just don't count it...its you could get charged with a felony if you vote twice. Like this is bad advice for his supporters if you have sent in a mail ballot you should NOT vote in person. He is going to get at least a number of his base arrested and charged with felonies for that advice.

Hillary was referring to people that are actual deplorables, not all of the right wingers...(still I feel it was not a good way to word it).

And systematic racism, well I saw a video that seemed to give a good example....police stopping a black business owner in his own store. Wasn't until a white neighbor confirmed he was the business owner did the police leave him alone. Apparently he was in his own store too late at would they have stopped a white buisiness owner that way, not sure.

Also the democrats do not own the media, if that was the case fox news would have already been shut down, plenty of the news leans more right. That said I usually look at the BBC, aljazeera and local news but I do take a peek at the more mainstream american news and as far as I can tell there is plenty of both right wing and left wing bias to go around at least twice around the earth.

Police stop blacks more because black people commit almost 10 times as many crimes as white people according to FBI crime statistics. If they stopped investigating suspicious black persons, more stores would be robbed. Do you know why black people commit more crime? Statistics show people raised in broken homes are more likely to become criminals. Around 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. It wasn't always that way. That trend started after Democrats started providing generous welfare benefits to single black mothers which encouraged them to divorce their husbands and stop getting married. Republicans want to treat one of the root causes of black crime by cutting welfare benefits to people who can work and supporting families to encourage black people to get married and get a job to support themselves. Before Covid-19, black unemployment was at a record low thanks to Trump. Democrat politicians would have them remain on welfare so they could keep buying their votes and ensuring the crime problem never goes away.

The US has always had freedom of religion. You don't have to be religious to be affected. Communists attack religion because they know religious people will disobey the government when it conflicts with their religion. They attack morality to destroy families because they know people will disobey the government to protect their family. Once religion, family, and morality are done away with, communists can impose their will and make us their slaves.

If trump wants to unite us and bring us together perhaps he should stop saying such hateful crap and stop encouraging his supporters to go out and intimidate people by showing up armed with assault rifles for protests. Honestly it feels more like join trump or die. Trump is the divisive one, I don't feel I am a part of the America Trump envisions...I have autism I can't work full time, what is he and his administration going to do to help me? that the democrats won't? Like what is it that I should look forward to in a trump america? Here is your chance to sell your candidate to me.

Trump supports peaceful protesters and has said so many times. He's opposed to rioters, arsonists, and other criminals. He is encouraging law and order to keep innocent Americans safe from rioters attacking them and burning down their homes and businesses. There's nothing hateful about opposing lawlessness and criminals. The father of a black man killed in the CHAZ zone in Seattle blamed his death on the Democrat mayor for not letting police do their job. Black leaders have called for more police to keep black people safe.

What can Trump do for you? Republicans believe in limited government and freedom. He'll allow you to live your life as you please with minimal government interference. If you live in a city, he'll support law and order to keep you safe from rioters and other criminals because that's one of the essential functions of government. Democrats mostly give people other people's money in the form of government benefits to buy their votes.


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22 Sep 2020, 11:10 pm

Oh okay. As far as the republicans not showing that they care for any diversity, what do they not care about exactly when it comes to diversity?

And what has Trump done that shows that he is xenophobic more so?


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22 Sep 2020, 11:33 pm

emotrtkey wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Well the republican party is making no signs that they actually care about diversity. Also we are supposed to have freedom of I don't care about religion and actually we are supposed to have separation of church and state. I am a satanist so morality/religion arguments wont sway me, everyone should have the freedom to practice their religion unless it harms others that is where I stand on religion.

Also based on what trump said even in your quote, that he is giving false twice is like a felony its not if you send a second one they just don't count it...its you could get charged with a felony if you vote twice. Like this is bad advice for his supporters if you have sent in a mail ballot you should NOT vote in person. He is going to get at least a number of his base arrested and charged with felonies for that advice.

Hillary was referring to people that are actual deplorables, not all of the right wingers...(still I feel it was not a good way to word it).

And systematic racism, well I saw a video that seemed to give a good example....police stopping a black business owner in his own store. Wasn't until a white neighbor confirmed he was the business owner did the police leave him alone. Apparently he was in his own store too late at would they have stopped a white buisiness owner that way, not sure.

Also the democrats do not own the media, if that was the case fox news would have already been shut down, plenty of the news leans more right. That said I usually look at the BBC, aljazeera and local news but I do take a peek at the more mainstream american news and as far as I can tell there is plenty of both right wing and left wing bias to go around at least twice around the earth.

Police stop blacks more because black people commit almost 10 times as many crimes as white people according to FBI crime statistics. If they stopped investigating suspicious black persons, more stores would be robbed. Do you know why black people commit more crime? Statistics show people raised in broken homes are more likely to become criminals. Around 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. It wasn't always that way. That trend started after Democrats started providing generous welfare benefits to single black mothers which encouraged them to divorce their husbands and stop getting married. Republicans want to treat one of the root causes of black crime by cutting welfare benefits to people who can work and supporting families to encourage black people to get married and get a job to support themselves. Before Covid-19, black unemployment was at a record low thanks to Trump. Democrat politicians would have them remain on welfare so they could keep buying their votes and ensuring the crime problem never goes away.

The US has always had freedom of religion. You don't have to be religious to be affected. Communists attack religion because they know religious people will disobey the government when it conflicts with their religion. They attack morality to destroy families because they know people will disobey the government to protect their family. Once religion, family, and morality are done away with, communists can impose their will and make us their slaves.

If trump wants to unite us and bring us together perhaps he should stop saying such hateful crap and stop encouraging his supporters to go out and intimidate people by showing up armed with assault rifles for protests. Honestly it feels more like join trump or die. Trump is the divisive one, I don't feel I am a part of the America Trump envisions...I have autism I can't work full time, what is he and his administration going to do to help me? that the democrats won't? Like what is it that I should look forward to in a trump america? Here is your chance to sell your candidate to me.

Trump supports peaceful protesters and has said so many times. He's opposed to rioters, arsonists, and other criminals. He is encouraging law and order to keep innocent Americans safe from rioters attacking them and burning down their homes and businesses. There's nothing hateful about opposing lawlessness and criminals. The father of a black man killed in the CHAZ zone in Seattle blamed his death on the Democrat mayor for not letting police do their job. Black leaders have called for more police to keep black people safe.

What can Trump do for you? Republicans believe in limited government and freedom. He'll allow you to live your life as you please with minimal government interference. If you live in a city, he'll support law and order to keep you safe from rioters and other criminals because that's one of the essential functions of government. Democrats mostly give people other people's money in the form of government benefits to buy their votes.

Yes well I recieve SSI and food stamps so I guess I am getting some of that 'other peoples money' will I keep getting my SSI and food stamps under trump.

Also I simply disagree with that other stuff, because I am not buying the right wing spin on it...if anything the police have gotten way out of hand. And I certainly do not feel 'safe' when I see police I see 'oh crap I hope it stays away from me I don't want any sort of confrontation with it.' If they will shoot an autistic 13 year old why wouldn't they shoot an autistic 31 year old.

We won't go back.


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23 Sep 2020, 12:06 am

emotrtkey wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Well the republican party is making no signs that they actually care about diversity. Also we are supposed to have freedom of I don't care about religion and actually we are supposed to have separation of church and state. I am a satanist so morality/religion arguments wont sway me, everyone should have the freedom to practice their religion unless it harms others that is where I stand on religion.

Also based on what trump said even in your quote, that he is giving false twice is like a felony its not if you send a second one they just don't count it...its you could get charged with a felony if you vote twice. Like this is bad advice for his supporters if you have sent in a mail ballot you should NOT vote in person. He is going to get at least a number of his base arrested and charged with felonies for that advice.

Hillary was referring to people that are actual deplorables, not all of the right wingers...(still I feel it was not a good way to word it).

And systematic racism, well I saw a video that seemed to give a good example....police stopping a black business owner in his own store. Wasn't until a white neighbor confirmed he was the business owner did the police leave him alone. Apparently he was in his own store too late at would they have stopped a white buisiness owner that way, not sure.

Also the democrats do not own the media, if that was the case fox news would have already been shut down, plenty of the news leans more right. That said I usually look at the BBC, aljazeera and local news but I do take a peek at the more mainstream american news and as far as I can tell there is plenty of both right wing and left wing bias to go around at least twice around the earth.

Police stop blacks more because black people commit almost 10 times as many crimes as white people according to FBI crime statistics. If they stopped investigating suspicious black persons, more stores would be robbed. Do you know why black people commit more crime? Statistics show people raised in broken homes are more likely to become criminals. Around 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. It wasn't always that way. That trend started after Democrats started providing generous welfare benefits to single black mothers which encouraged them to divorce their husbands and stop getting married. Republicans want to treat one of the root causes of black crime by cutting welfare benefits to people who can work and supporting families to encourage black people to get married and get a job to support themselves. Before Covid-19, black unemployment was at a record low thanks to Trump. Democrat politicians would have them remain on welfare so they could keep buying their votes and ensuring the crime problem never goes away.

The US has always had freedom of religion. You don't have to be religious to be affected. Communists attack religion because they know religious people will disobey the government when it conflicts with their religion. They attack morality to destroy families because they know people will disobey the government to protect their family. Once religion, family, and morality are done away with, communists can impose their will and make us their slaves.

If trump wants to unite us and bring us together perhaps he should stop saying such hateful crap and stop encouraging his supporters to go out and intimidate people by showing up armed with assault rifles for protests. Honestly it feels more like join trump or die. Trump is the divisive one, I don't feel I am a part of the America Trump envisions...I have autism I can't work full time, what is he and his administration going to do to help me? that the democrats won't? Like what is it that I should look forward to in a trump america? Here is your chance to sell your candidate to me.

Trump supports peaceful protesters and has said so many times. He's opposed to rioters, arsonists, and other criminals. He is encouraging law and order to keep innocent Americans safe from rioters attacking them and burning down their homes and businesses. There's nothing hateful about opposing lawlessness and criminals. The father of a black man killed in the CHAZ zone in Seattle blamed his death on the Democrat mayor for not letting police do their job. Black leaders have called for more police to keep black people safe.

What can Trump do for you? Republicans believe in limited government and freedom. He'll allow you to live your life as you please with minimal government interference. If you live in a city, he'll support law and order to keep you safe from rioters and other criminals because that's one of the essential functions of government. Democrats mostly give people other people's money in the form of government benefits to buy their votes.

"It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies
and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement."

Systematic Racism is Real and Alive in the United States, no matter what flavor of Gaslit
Reality Trump and 'Companies' Delivers Next; like we are 'turning the Corner in the Covid-19
Pandemic' Now With Over 400 Thousand Deaths Projected by Christmas. Where Trump Already
'Lied as there are 200 Thousand DEAD NOW'. It's Disgusting And Considering the Demographic
That Is Core to this New Republican Leadership Generated Gaslit Reality is Failing more in The Coming Future as
Organized Church Attendance Is DYING NOW, Where these Gaslit Realities are Systematically Promoted in Ignorance;

THere is a Last Grasp effort now; no matter what it takes for this Gaslit Reality Reach of the Republican
Leadership now; as it is clear, the 'Writing on the Wall' as Republicans only comprise about 25 Percent
of the 'Voting Block' Mostly Held Secure By 'Church HELP IN Propaganda'; Where With the Exit of Folks from Church,
There goes the Influence of the Republican Party From Dominance that has relied on the Ignorance of Tradition so
far to 'RULE' From Thousands of Pulpits in Ignorance of Church Rule Hand-in-Hand with Republican Gaslit Lies.

As a Participant Anthropology Observer in an area with the Most Churches Per Square Mile in
Record Books of Old; i've Watched the Demographic Change From All Ages in All Churches;
to mostly what's Left of the 'Gray Haired Demographic' of '65-Plus that votes the most';
When that's gone from the Organization of Church Tradition, Propagating the Gaslit
Reality As 'Right Hand' of Gaslit Lies so that Goes too; We Will Just Have More of a

Progressive Element at the Polls, Breathing Indeed Freer...

Smiles, Enjoy it While You Can; as You may will to Enjoy
The Republican Leadership of Gaslit Lies still coming now...

Times are changing; soon there will be NO GOING BACK;
at least not as Long as there is Online and Freedom of Information;
Where Facts will no longer be Suppressed alone Behind Church Walls; as
Younger Folks are Naturally More Curious; And More Open minded to Truth too...

In Other Words, the "Trump Falwell's" of the World Are Losing ALL THEIR INFLUENCE NOW EVEN MORE;

True, Where the Metaphor of 'Failwell' is becoming Heir Apparent Now; As Truth is contagious too...

And You KNoW, it's Really Sad; as there are Many Community Advantages of Church Attendance
Together to Bind and Bond Together Love; but when Church Bonds And Marries A Father Of all Lies,
A Still Old new Revelation Just Naturally Becomes self-fulfilling Next; In Other Words, Together With
A 'Dear Leader; A Father of all Lies, Trump For Real, His 'Minion Cohorts/Companies' That Are Indeed
The Church Now That Relatively speaking
Has thrown the Baby of
Love Away With their
Dirty Water Hands
In Politics
And of
Course that
Baby is Jesus;
As Trump And
Companies is giving
Him another Nasty Burial...
Hmm; That's Not exactly 'Good News' either;
i kind of Enjoyed the Participant Anthropology
Observer Experience From the Back Pew this Last
7 years; until the Church's in Effect New Messiah Trump
Replaced Jesus With All NoW AGAinST the Beatitudes Verses
3 through 11; Matthew, Chapter 5 As Such in THaT Old Book;

That's NOT going
away as it is simply
The Nature of Altruistic
Love that Still Rules Humans
In Pockets Here and THeRe all over the World....
It'S ONly A Label of the Hero Jesus that is Getting
Buried by Trump and
Companies now...

Essence Remains
WHeRE Agape
Love Really Breathes
Now and Settles for
Nothing Less than Truth in Light...

Other than that; Thanks For the Fabulous Dark Muse for Free Verse
EPic Poetry and the Writing Adventure of New
Testaments that will always come next now..:)

Regarding, 'the Original Video' if 'that'
Never ending Now Buffet of 'the Last
Supper Actually Existed', They Were
'ALL Brown' then; And Indeed the 'Greater
World' Is Turning Browner Again; Just Nature; Just the God of Nature in Change.

As Let's Face IT, The Face of Nature That is God Is Balance of Change And Always

A New Testament


Do Your Best
i guess to remain
in Stones and Statues oF Old; And
Dusty Old Books Past their Days of Relevance too; other than 'Revelation' Now...

Seriously, It's Kinda Sad How Trump and Companies Ruined 'The Story Hero Jesus'...

As Life is The Story We Write and Bring to Fruition Colored by all that is 'Trumps' or

'the Other
place too'...

-Last Nail
iN A New Old Coffin'...
Always Resurrected Now
By the Nature of Human Being
Naked And Free; Altruistic Agape Love Still Breathes;
At Least for Those Who Retain/ReMeMBeR/Gain THeir Potential oF LoVE iNCaRNaTE NoW. ... ata-2020-6

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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23 Sep 2020, 8:31 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Yes well I recieve SSI and food stamps so I guess I am getting some of that 'other peoples money' will I keep getting my SSI and food stamps under trump.

Yes, if you're not a welfare queen, can't work, and actually need the assistance.

Also I simply disagree with that other stuff, because I am not buying the right wing spin on it...if anything the police have gotten way out of hand. And I certainly do not feel 'safe' when I see police I see 'oh crap I hope it stays away from me I don't want any sort of confrontation with it.' If they will shoot an autistic 13 year old why wouldn't they shoot an autistic 31 year old.

I see. Propaganda, or the left wing spin, is convincing.


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23 Sep 2020, 8:36 am

emotrtkey wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Yes well I recieve SSI and food stamps so I guess I am getting some of that 'other peoples money' will I keep getting my SSI and food stamps under trump.

Yes, if you're not a welfare queen, can't work, and actually need the assistance.

Also I simply disagree with that other stuff, because I am not buying the right wing spin on it...if anything the police have gotten way out of hand. And I certainly do not feel 'safe' when I see police I see 'oh crap I hope it stays away from me I don't want any sort of confrontation with it.' If they will shoot an autistic 13 year old why wouldn't they shoot an autistic 31 year old.

I see. Propaganda, or the left wing spin, is convincing.
I am on SSDI and SNAP(food stamps) I voted Trump 2016 and will likely do it again.Let's hope he doesn't cut those benefits though.

Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined


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23 Sep 2020, 8:41 am

aghogday wrote:
"It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement."

Systemic racism doesn't exist. It's nothing more than racist propaganda meant to divide Americans and reinforce black privilege.


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23 Sep 2020, 9:10 am

emotrtkey wrote:
aghogday wrote:
"It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement."

Systemic racism doesn't exist. It's nothing more than racist propaganda meant to divide Americans and reinforce black privilege.

Indeed You are Spewing
Racist Propaganda
That Contradicts
The Science As I Linked
That Shows Systematic
Racism Breathes Its Evil Breath
In America; indeed Your Statements
On This Website Not only Encourage
Racism But As Already as Pointed out
Homophobia, And Ableism Against
People With Functional Disabilities
As Discriminated Against too; it’s
Worth Noting That the Owner
Of This Website Does not
Allow This Behavior here;
Your ignorance is only
Dark muse For
Me but it is
By my Friend
The Owner
Of this Website.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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23 Sep 2020, 3:09 pm

emotrtkey wrote:
aghogday wrote:
"It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement."

Systemic racism doesn't exist. It's nothing more than racist propaganda meant to divide Americans and reinforce black privilege.

black privilege huh? :roll:

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23 Sep 2020, 6:20 pm

Oh okay. I'm just curious though, what has Trump done that is xenophobic though?


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23 Sep 2020, 6:28 pm

ironpony wrote:
Oh okay. I'm just curious though, what has Trump done that is xenophobic though?

He does keep calling Covid 19 the 'China Virus' as if its some disease of chinese people, rather than the global pandemic that it is currently, that is at least a small example.

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