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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Dec 2023, 12:41 am

Ok so from the last time I posted I went to my doctor and she told me that since i'm doing good in school there is nothing wrong with me and there is only something wrong with me if it's dibilitating me. But at school I have talked with people who have adhd and autism and they said that just the way I acted in class I have something so I don't know should I go to a diffrent doctor and see if I have something or should I listen to my current doctor? :|


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18 Dec 2023, 12:53 am

Maybe try to explain that it is, even if you're managing to create the appearance that it's not.

At least, if it is.

You might also consider a second opinion.

What about how you act in class makes the people at school think you also have it?

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18 Dec 2023, 2:30 am

Did you show any bad influences?Maybe it looks like you have freckles or buckteeth, not so good but not very bad.

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18 Dec 2023, 11:28 am

I think it's a good idea to get a second opinion.

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18 Dec 2023, 1:05 pm

Maybe try a different doctor (or even the same one) and bring a written list of the ways in which you are challenged by your autism and the difficulties in your life. Specific examples are usually the most persuasive.

Many autistics do well academically, but that doesn't mean we are not adversely affected by our autism.


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18 Dec 2023, 1:07 pm

There are different types of doctor's.

A GP cannot say with any kind of expertise, whether a person has a neurological condition such as autism or ADHD, because, as the acronym suggests, they are generalists, not specialists.

If you want to be assessed for something like autism, you should ask for a referral to a specialist.

If the specialist judges you to be not on the spectrum, then I would go with the first opinion, otherwise you might just be trying to validate your own beliefs by shopping around different specialists for the same diagnosis.

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18 Dec 2023, 1:54 pm

If you are still in school I will assume most of your life is still ahead of you. That affects my thoughts regarding your question.

Do you need formal accommodations or treatment? If "yes", then you need a formal diagnosis.

If a formal diagnosis would merely be convenient or satisfying but you don't need it, then perhaps you don't need it now. I don't consider my Autism to be a disability but a lot of people reckon all Autistics are disabled. Might "disabled" be an inconvenient label to wear if you don't need it (and apparently your doctor thinks you are doing well enough to not need the label). People will make decisions about you based upon the label on you, not based upon you.

So, if it is not too inconvenient, I suggest you consider delaying getting a formal diagnosis until after you have built a life that forces people to look at your accomplishments rather than your label. Then a diagnosis could be fun and interesting personal trivia.

But, of course, there are ways to get an informal diagnosis online. You might be able to use that knowledge even it is not "official".

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20 Dec 2023, 6:46 pm

Yes I'd try to find another doctor, though if it's the UK, I don't expect many of them would say anything very different these days, NHS heathcare being free at the point of use and the NHS being so cash-strapped. It's easier for them to say you haven't got it than to admit you might but then deny you the diagnosis.

OTOH, you probably won't get diagnosed with ASD without evidence that it's messing up your life.

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26 Jan 2024, 8:12 am

Animalperson wrote:
Ok so from the last time I posted I went to my doctor and she told me that since i'm doing good in school there is nothing wrong with me and there is only something wrong with me if it's dibilitating me. But at school I have talked with people who have adhd and autism and they said that just the way I acted in class I have something so I don't know should I go to a diffrent doctor and see if I have something or should I listen to my current doctor? :|

What would you need the diagnosis for? I mean, what is the problem? Plenty of people are neurodivergent and it doesn't affect them in a negative way or not at the moment in the given life situation.

Getting an official psychological diagnosis is useful only if you struggle at school *and* need the accommodations such as longer time during tests (for a better place to sit you can get diagnosed with a medical condition that affects you and makes a certain seating extremely uncomfortable) or if you need disability benefits or disability accommodations at work. You need to figure out how being neurodivergent affects you and address those issues. Figure out which learning difficulties you might have and get help with them such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia etc. What kind of sensory and communication issues you might have.


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26 Jan 2024, 12:15 pm

Welcome to WP. I would ask a different doctor.

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26 Jan 2024, 12:21 pm

vergil96 wrote:
Animalperson wrote:
Ok so from the last time I posted I went to my doctor and she told me that since i'm doing good in school there is nothing wrong with me and there is only something wrong with me if it's dibilitating me. But at school I have talked with people who have adhd and autism and they said that just the way I acted in class I have something so I don't know should I go to a diffrent doctor and see if I have something or should I listen to my current doctor? :|

What would you need the diagnosis for? I mean, what is the problem? Plenty of people are neurodivergent and it doesn't affect them in a negative way or not at the moment in the given life situation.

Getting an official psychological diagnosis is useful only if you struggle at school *and* need the accommodations such as longer time during tests (for a better place to sit you can get diagnosed with a medical condition that affects you and makes a certain seating extremely uncomfortable) or if you need disability benefits or disability accommodations at work. You need to figure out how being neurodivergent affects you and address those issues. Figure out which learning difficulties you might have and get help with them such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia etc. What kind of sensory and communication issues you might have.

I think I understand what you are saying but I disagree. When I was OP's age, the diagnosis did not exist. I wish it had existed back then. I was an excellent student but not knowing that I was Autistic and not knowing that I had the other disabilities that I had and not being able to get the validation, recognition, and support that I needed growing up, not just from my family but from everyone in my world, had crippling and debilitating effects later in life that I will never be able to recover from. Finding out that you are neurodivergent and getting an official diagnosis is not just about getting accommodations. And many insurances will only pay for diagnoses for children, not for adults. So if OP can get it now, that will be helpful. OP does not have to disclose if they choose not to but it's best to get the diagnosis if you can.

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

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