Are autistic people expected to like famous autistic people?

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25 Dec 2023, 7:07 pm

Do you feel like autistic people are expected to like famous autistic people, even if they are complete dickwads?

To name one example, I am extremely vocal about my hatred of YouTuber MrEnter. I feel like he takes cartoons too seriously, he can be extremely petty and childish, and I think he can be rather melodramatic at times (to name one incident, he confessed to getting depressed for days over a My Little Pony episode he didn't like). I find his reviews boring and unentertaining (and the amount of screaming in them makes me worried about him hurting his voice). In his review of Turning Red, he criticizes the movie simply for not mentioning 9/11 (the movie takes place in 2002). He even encouraged people to send death threats to the SpongeBob writers who made episodes he didn't like. Even worse, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he delved into conspiracy theories and misinformation about it. In short, I just think he's a terrible person and not the representation that autistic people deserve. Yet I noticed a lot of autistic people like him and some even copy his reviewing style.


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25 Dec 2023, 7:23 pm

Well....Neurotypicals certainly ALL absolutely LOVE each other! Just look at how much Israeli NTs and Palestinian NTs love each other. :D

So ...OFCOURSE all autistics have to like each other!

Joking aside...we already had a thread were one person defended Elon Musk (alleged aspie) against a whole mob of WP Musk-haters.


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25 Dec 2023, 8:28 pm

No, I don't feel like it.
I never resonated with ANY media portrayals of autism.

No, whether or not I have a 'superpower', I do not brag or tell.
I don't even talk about my own special interests. Not out of shame, but because I don't feel like it.

No, I'm not one of those sensory needy types and the socially anxious type nor both. I don't need that wide of a berth.
So I don't mind noise and touch. But to understand; I can defend myself.

No, I stim whenever I want without ever acknowledging your intolerance and ignorance over apparent behaviors.

No, I don't even mask to pass.
No, I don't script. And I hate words.
No, I'm not a meltdown ticking bomb.

No, I don't have perfect memory.
No, I don't experience the world as if everything is a blur unless I'm stressed the hell out.

No, I'm not hyperlexic. I'm not a walking talking dictionary.
No, I don't have aphasia. I'm not non-speaking.

No, I'm not alexithymic. So no, I'm not one of those pseudo-stoic 'unemotional' types as much as I wish I am one.

No, if I'm shutting down and overwhelmed, you will know without me telling you that I'm shutting down and overwhelmed. I don't have to explain anything.

No, I'm not this consistent 'type' as much as I wish that I even have a 'type' within continuums of the heterogeneous nature of autism.
I only have 1-2 clear traits or strengths and weaknesses. And everything else is vague, conditional, unreliable "range" that I have or may not have in a particular day or hour or state.

No, because media and even the medical sectors don't even acknowledge an individual autistics' "fluidity" in their autism, which I have unfortunately a LOT of.

No, my parents are not saints and super competent people. And stop blaming them for whatever autistic relevant traits or 'symptoms' that I have. :roll:
Anything good or bad in me, relevant to them, is not even autistic relevant.

No, I fought my bullies especially as a child. Literally. And I'm reckless and physically able enough to do it.

No, I do not even have a safe spot.
No, I do not people watch and observe social interaction.
No, I'm not stuck in my own head -- I'm dealing with something else.

No, my household doesn't have an insurance.
No, I never been to therapy.
No, my household could barely afford special classes.
No, my support isn't even autism relevant. Including ones I had at school.

No, I don't take medications related to psych issues.
No, I've never been hospitalized related to psych issues.

No, I cannot relate to loneliness.
No, I cannot relate to aloofness unless that's just how I feel like it.

What else..? :lol:

No, I do not feel seen.
No, I do not aspire to be like someone else.
No, I do not feel the pressure of copying anyone.

No, you've seen one of the many another autistic individuals. I'm an autistic individual. I represent nothing but myself.

I'm not a credit or a demerit to anything.
Even IF I'm regarded as a so-called model or be in a position to speak related to advocacy and has a hand related to relevant decision making that impacts other autistics??

No, I'm just an autistic individual, one of the many.

Screw the human mind's way of mental association and their biases. :roll:

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25 Dec 2023, 9:48 pm

I think people don't typically know much about what autism actually is or how it's defined, and think we must all act the same

ASD level 1, ADHD-C, most likely have dyscalculia & BPD as well.
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26 Dec 2023, 10:24 am

Back on topic and in respons to the question: The answear is no. As an Autistic person you are not expected to conform to any particular code of conduct or swear allegiance to famous Autistics. A lot of famous people are self-centered narcissists with psychopathic traits and being Autistic doesn't gurantee that you are one of the good guys.

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26 Dec 2023, 4:41 pm

No, not at all.

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26 Dec 2023, 11:47 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Joking aside...we already had a thread were one person defended Elon Musk (alleged aspie) against a whole mob of WP Musk-haters.

I hope I wasn't the one person you are referring to. I reviewed "How Did Elon Musk Succeed" and found several posts that had a nuanced view of Elon. He is what he is, just as Einstein, Newton and the other famous aspies were.

I would just expect the autism community to understand him better than most and what I've seen is the opposite. Understand that fame is difficult for anyone, I don't see any reason we would be immune from that. Also understand that most famous people have masking abilities far beyond anything we, including Elon, could possibly achieve. He has an inflated ego like most famous people, that alone doesn't make him a narcissist.

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27 Dec 2023, 12:19 pm

I feel no obligation to like famous Autistic people. I think some of them are quite admirable, however.

I do like that they show Autistic people can be very accomplished.
Sigh. I used to know virtually nothing about Autistics. When I first suspected I might be Autistic one of the first things I did was to search the Internet to see if any Autistics were ever famous. For a while after that my ego was crushed. Some Autistics are very famous, for good reasons, and I felt like an underachiever. It took me awhile to realize they weren't just towering over me but over everyone, Autistic or not. I might not be among those elite few but I've done reasonably well, I think.

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27 Dec 2023, 1:41 pm

People also expect Autistics to be like the Autistic person they know.

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29 Dec 2023, 6:45 pm

lumping us all together is an "us" and "them" thing, just as race, gender, etc etc etc are "all the same" right? false thinking. I have one friend who expects me to get excited every time she sends me any article about autism, totally indiscriminately... oh look autism! I suppose it is like when children recognize a cat, a dog, a car, a train... they notice similarities... and have to learn to sort the differences (cats and dogs have noses, eyes, ears, tails... how do we learn they are not the same? ) so it is for some people when they are first learning about autism. Sometimes of course we all have more in common with another NT than we do with the ND down the block. Its just ignorance raising its ugly head.


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30 Dec 2023, 10:09 pm

NibiruMul wrote:
Do you feel like autistic people are expected to like famous autistic people, even if they are complete dickwads?

Pelé was arguably the most famous soccer player of all time. Do you think it would be reasonable to expect all soccer players to be as good as Pelé?

According to Forbes, Jeff Bezos is worth $174.2 billion. Should all entrepreneurs be as successful if not more successful than Jeff Bezos?

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04 Jan 2024, 11:20 am

Considering the amount of Autistics who dislike Temple Grandin and Elon Musk, I would say no.

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04 Jan 2024, 1:01 pm

CarlM wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Joking aside...we already had a thread were one person defended Elon Musk (alleged aspie) against a whole mob of WP Musk-haters.

I hope I wasn't the one person you are referring to. I reviewed "How Did Elon Musk Succeed" and found several posts that had a nuanced view of Elon. He is what he is, just as Einstein, Newton and the other famous aspies were.

I would just expect the autism community to understand him better than most and what I've seen is the opposite. Understand that fame is difficult for anyone, I don't see any reason we would be immune from that. Also understand that most famous people have masking abilities far beyond anything we, including Elon, could possibly achieve. He has an inflated ego like most famous people, that alone doesn't make him a narcissist.

I thought he meant me.

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04 Jan 2024, 8:40 pm

And as much as I'm not those people seen or hear on TV, radio and social media...

... I'm not your cousin's toddler son who cannot yet speak, your co-worker's little teenage sister who hadn't potty trained, that special student cum-laude graduate in a prestigious university, or someone's loud and disruptive neighbor that's suspected to be undiagnosed either.


And I don't expect them to be like those people on TV, radio or social media -- nor expect them to be me.

Not even fictional ones. They're not me, either.
I hadn't found the one who can relate to me to such extent, no.

I grew up knowing that my own self reference never reflects others as soon as I'm aware that I'm different from everyone I've ever known.

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04 Jan 2024, 9:30 pm

I don't know any famous autistic people, and I'll be damned if I'm going to like a dickwad just because they're autistic.

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04 Jan 2024, 9:32 pm


dear god, dear god, tinkle tinkle hoy.


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