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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Jul 2024, 6:38 pm

Hey everyone,

I'm a rising 5th year in an Experimental Psychology Ph.D program! My main research interest is cognitive psychology and I've recently studied reading comprehension and whether text-to-speech is more likely to help less skilled readers compared to more skilled readers.

I say this is a potential reintroduction because I was actually a user on this forum back when I was a teenager 13 years ago (I can't access the old account anymore) and was still a high school student. I'm going to make a post here in the College forum soon since I've come a long way since then and would hopefully like to hear from at least one person who is going for or completed their Ph.D on this forum.

Looking forward to being active on here again.


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14 Jul 2024, 7:03 pm

Welcome back

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14 Jul 2024, 7:22 pm

Welcome back to Wrong Planet!

Diagnosed ASD, ADHD, Tourettes age 5
Feel free to PM me--I like to talk about most things other than sports

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14 Jul 2024, 7:24 pm

Welcome back to WP! I hope this time you are able to stay.

...and find some ways to use your background to get and give help, as needed.

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I finally knew why people were strange.


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14 Jul 2024, 10:54 pm

Greetings and welcome..back!!


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15 Jul 2024, 4:57 am

glad you came back. welcome ! !!


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jimmy m

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15 Jul 2024, 9:19 am

You wrote, "like to hear from at least one person who is going for or completed their Ph.D on this forum."
No that is not me.

But I might add a couple points that may be of interest. I suffered a massive stroke about 3 1/2 years ago. It affected several areas deep inside my brain. After the stroke, I lost by ability to read. I stared at words and they broke apart right before my eyes. Not only that but the letters also broke into pieces and became an entirely different alphabet system, one that I could not read. If that wasn't bad enough, I also lost my knowledge of almost all spoken words.

One of the conditions I developed is called aphasia and I suffered one of the most severe forms. Bruce Willis recently suffered a similar condition. It is really difficult to recover from such a condition. It takes a significant amount of mental work.

One point to make is that even though I lost my ability to read, I did not lose my ability to write. I wrote myself a very detailed description of what happened to me from the stoke, but I could not even read what I had written. I stumbled across the paper 6 months later after I made some recovery.

Probably another point to make is that humans have multiple brains. One exist on the left side of our skull and the other on the right side. There is a little connecting tissue that combines these two sides together. These two brains are very different brains. As we evolve from childhood to adulthood, one becomes our daytime brain. The other brain exists in our sleep, in REM and deep NREM sleep. Humans are much more complex then anyone really understands.

There is one interesting book that might provide some insight. It is called "Whole Brain Living" by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph,D. This was her second book. Her first one is also worth a read. It describes the effect of her massive stroke when she was around 35 years old in very fine and intricate detail.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


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17 Jul 2024, 1:56 pm

Welcome back to WP!

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11 Aug 2024, 2:36 am

Welcome back to WP :mrgreen:

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