Digestive Issues

Study links autism to intestinal virus

By on November 1, 2004

Philadelphia Daily News Reports:

AUSTIN, Texas - A maverick British scientist who now works in Austin has completed a study on autism that links the disease to a novel intestinal illness.

The research, to appear in the Journal of Clinical Immunology due out today, opens the door to testing treatments for some autistic children, including a diet that forbids dairy products and certain grains.

Drug hope for intestinal ailment

By on September 10, 2004

A Florence company that specializes in developing medicine for children said today it has made an acquisition that could lead to a new drug for autistic children with intestinal ailments.
Last September, Protein said tests showed promise for one of its drugs, called Oralgam, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in children. Those tests are continuing. In its announcement today, PediaMed expressed most interest in a Protein-owned...