
Before You Look for Work Here Are Four Things You Should Absolutely Know

By on June 28, 2017

AutismAdvantageWrongPlanetFrontPage Our team used to hate conversations like the one below. We really did. “That’s really incredible,” said a well-meaning educator who had called in April about our Autism Advantage program, which runs six-week training cohorts for autistic individuals around specific talent sets. “I’m searching for a program which can teach autistic people acceptable behavior for […]

Job Red Alert!

By on August 28, 2015

result1234567891011121314151617 Wouldn’t it be nice if we had job alarms just like we have burglar and fire alarms? Some things are obvious. For example, if you’re a computer programmer and you’ve been asked to compile a program that does X, Y and Z, you find out soon enough. Other things are not quite so obvious. Like how […]